The Bridge to Brilliance

In 2010, Nadia Lopez and Monique Achu founded Mott Hall Bridges Academy with the intent of opening a school to close a prison in Brownsville, Brooklyn. With less than 35% of the community with a high school diploma, 41% of residents are below the poverty line and many of them are composed of 68% of convicted offenders that make up the NYS prison population. Impacted by institutionalized and systemic racism that has deprived Black and Brown children of access, there is a lack of equity that deprives them of quality education and opportunities. 

The overrepresentation of Black people in prisons is in contrast to their underrepresentation in college enrollment, media, fashion, entertainment, and STEM fields. The Bridge to Brilliance was created to offer programs and curriculum that offer opportunities for our young people to learn about careers and various industries beyond their reach. Through mentoring, online, and in-person activations we create opportunities that can change the trajectory of a child’s future--from incarceration to infinite possibilities. 

The Bridge to Brilliance is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is 84-3513152.