Help Lindsey build a bridge in Rwanda






Did you know that nearly 1 billion people around the world are without access to critical resources due to unpassable rivers?

This November, I will join a team of ten volunteering in the Muhanga region of Rwanda to work alongside the Bridges to Prosperity (B2P) team as we construct a 98-meter (or 320-foot!) suspended trailbridge that will serve a population of nearly 5,000. This bridge will provide safe crossing over the Kirigi River, whose waters prove too treacherous to cross during the rainy season. As a result, these communities and its children are cut off from schools, markets and health centers.

I am honored to be working with a talented team of engineers whose technical expertise will provide safe, reliable access to education and economic opportunity for the people of Hanika. This fundraising effort will support our team's travel expenses and other logistics in Rwanda. All donations in excess of this goal will be given to B2P to support their broader program.

Our work on this bridge will be part of B2P's mission to eliminate poverty caused by rural isolation. I invite you to join me in partnership with Bridges to Prosperity and WSP as we build a bridge--and a pathway to resilience--for many generations to come. 

Check out this story about WSP's 2019 B2P team and their completed bridge in the Nyaruguru District of Rwanda:

Donor Wall2


Sydney Freeman | $25

Love you! Have fun!