Brian Grizzell for City Council, Ward 4

Dear Friends,

Brian Grizzell is a lifelong resident of Jackson, Mississippi. As a 40+ years resident of Ward 4, Brian is prepared to address the Ward's and City's most pressing challenges. He is an exceptional leader, planner, and advocate. He will work daily to help bring about necessary changes in Jackson and wants to be the Voice of Ward 4. 

Brian brings to the table an extensive resume of professionalism and service to the Jackson Community. He is a business owner, educator, and servant leader who is passionate about helping Jackson to thrive. He wants Jackson to be first in all things; a premier destination of the south. He is extremely prepared to work with the Mayoral Administration, City Council members, State Legislators, and the business community at large! 

Previously, Brian served as a Planning and Rezoning Commissioner, representing Ward 4, for the City of Jackson. He currently serves as Civil Service Commissioner for the City of Jackson, a quasi-judiciary that hears employment cases for City employees. Both of these positions were appointed by sitting mayors. 

There is a lot of work ahead, and we cannot do it all alone. That is why we are turning to people who know Brian best, and inviting them to get involved in his campaign... all to help make a difference for the Citizens of Jackson, Mississippi.

Your early contribution, made payable to Brian C. Grizzell for City Council, Ward 4 will give our race a tremendous boost. Your gift of $25, $50, $100, $150, $250, $500, and $1,000 will help raise the funds necessary to run a successful campaign.

Brian would be very honored to know that you’ve gone the extra mile to help him reach the Ward 4 Jackson City Council Seat.

Thank you in advance for your encouragement and support,

All our best,

Friends of Brian Grizzell, Candidate for Jackson City Council, Ward 4