Help Fund The World's Most Comprehensive Documentary on Brexit






UPDATE DEC 9: We blasted through our goal in two days and through our stretch goal of £90,000 in less than two weeks. Thank you! 

We're now in the process of making this documentary - booking and recording interviews, researching and collecting archive content. 

We don't want to miss anything, so if you have links to case studies, graphics, news or interview archive footage from the UK or Europe please share it with us at

Since its inception, Brexit has become one of the most critical and divisive issues in British politics. But how did it happen? And what is the real, substantive impact it's had on the UK?

That's what we want to examine in the most comprehensive documentary ever made about Brexit.

Byline TV has already travelled around the country reporting on the fallout from Brexit, and reached millions of viewers. Now we are going bigger, making the definitive record on Brexit - something that can be seen around the world and set the record straight. But we don’t have the money the BBC does or corporate donors, just you.

To make a comprehensive, unimpeachable, fifty minute, globally distributable documentary is expensive. We need around £50,000 to cover all the costs and you can read more about where that will go below. So please, help us make this vital, game changing documentary, and donate to the project.

We're looking to raise £50,000 to make a 50 minute documentary on Brexit, exploring the forces that made it happen, how it went wrong, the damage it's done and how we can come back from it.

Your donation will go towards equipment costs, travel for a crew around the UK and to Europe, research, location hire, video editing and motion graphics designers to make this the most comprehensive documentary on Brexit ever made.

Not only will all donors get to watch the finished documentary for free, but we're also offering the following perks depending on the amount donated.

£5: Your name in the credits

£100: An Associate Producer credit
£250: An Associate Producer credit, plus a virtual screening of the film with Mike and the team.
£500: An Executive Producer opening credit plus a private screening of the film
£1000: All of the above plus an intimate drinks reception with the team.

*Any repeat donations will be counted as one donation for the purpose of awarding perks. 

*BylineTV+ members will get access to the film included in their membership. Please donate today to receive donor perks.

You can also help us to achieve our goals!

I want to fundraise for this

Donor Wall 924

Michael Moran | £52.19

We have to educate the voters and Get UnBrexit Done!

Phillip Grant | £5.69

Grant Valentine | £10.65

Malcolm | £10.65

This great swindle needs to be exposed for what it is along with those who schemed to rell the lies

Monique Ommen | £5.69

Would love is Femi_Sorry was involved.

Maureen Ewing | £10.65

Andy Caulfield | £26.23

Get Brexit undone!!!

Janet O’Malley | £5.46

Admire what you’re doing, what terrible times we’re living through. Thanks to you and supporters of showing up Brexshit for its stupidity, you help me keep going!

Christopher | £104.11

This is a fantastic initiative and I'm really looking forward to the result. I've recently retired from working as a consultant in the chemical industry and I saw the additional cost and red tape imposed on companies by the introduction of the UK's new registration scheme, so companies wishing to sell chemical products into the UK and EU now have to comply with the new UK-only scheme and EU REACH. One other comment - an excellent film called Postcards from the 48% was made after the referendum but before we actually left the EU, so your film will be an interesting companion to this earlier film. There is of course the excellent film recently put out by the FT called The Brexit Effect.

Mandy | £25

We need investigative journalists like those at and Bylinetimes. No one else will touch Brexit. We all know that they lied & misled us to evade taxation of their offshore accounts 🙄

Ben | £5.69

Thank you for all your effort with this issue

Jane Grant | £26.23

Robbie John | £104.11

Sophie | £104.11

I want my grandchildren to experience the same excitement I felt in the early 1980s knowing I would soon have the opportunity to work and live in neighbouring countries without the previous obstacles. Brexit has destroyed this for them and makes me very sad.


Gisela Duncan | £26.23

David Waters | £5.46

Susan Burlace

Philip Whyte | £52.32

Anne | £52.19

It is vital that people are made aware of the truly horrendous damage that is Brexit so I wish you every success with the documentary.


Keep up the good work!

Dan Wise | £5.46

Joe French | £100

It's shocking that the BBC have neglected their public service remit by not making a comprehensive documentary surveying the overall effects of Brexit - probably the most consequential decision the UK has made since the war. So we are reduced to passing the hat round to fund such a project. But thanks for enabling this: it is vital that the facts are out there. Please make the best quality, accurate and informative documentary you are able to

Jacquie | £26.24

Thank you!


Brexit has totally destroyed everything I have ever fought for or valued, and to what purpose?


An important commentary on the most significant act of national self harm in UK history. An act built upon lies and fantasies. People deserve to know.

Michael | £21.04

This is so utterly needed as the process of educating the wider country on the calamity of Brexit is essential.

Joanne Molyneux | £5.69

If I had the money, I would fund all of this. Sorry, I can only afford a tiny amount. Good luck!

Claire Lound

Good luck. We need the truth.

Jakub Korab | £52.19