Help Fund The World's Most Comprehensive Documentary on Brexit






UPDATE DEC 9: We blasted through our goal in two days and through our stretch goal of £90,000 in less than two weeks. Thank you! 

We're now in the process of making this documentary - booking and recording interviews, researching and collecting archive content. 

We don't want to miss anything, so if you have links to case studies, graphics, news or interview archive footage from the UK or Europe please share it with us at

Since its inception, Brexit has become one of the most critical and divisive issues in British politics. But how did it happen? And what is the real, substantive impact it's had on the UK?

That's what we want to examine in the most comprehensive documentary ever made about Brexit.

Byline TV has already travelled around the country reporting on the fallout from Brexit, and reached millions of viewers. Now we are going bigger, making the definitive record on Brexit - something that can be seen around the world and set the record straight. But we don’t have the money the BBC does or corporate donors, just you.

To make a comprehensive, unimpeachable, fifty minute, globally distributable documentary is expensive. We need around £50,000 to cover all the costs and you can read more about where that will go below. So please, help us make this vital, game changing documentary, and donate to the project.

We're looking to raise £50,000 to make a 50 minute documentary on Brexit, exploring the forces that made it happen, how it went wrong, the damage it's done and how we can come back from it.

Your donation will go towards equipment costs, travel for a crew around the UK and to Europe, research, location hire, video editing and motion graphics designers to make this the most comprehensive documentary on Brexit ever made.

Not only will all donors get to watch the finished documentary for free, but we're also offering the following perks depending on the amount donated.

£5: Your name in the credits

£100: An Associate Producer credit
£250: An Associate Producer credit, plus a virtual screening of the film with Mike and the team.
£500: An Executive Producer opening credit plus a private screening of the film
£1000: All of the above plus an intimate drinks reception with the team.

*Any repeat donations will be counted as one donation for the purpose of awarding perks. 

*BylineTV+ members will get access to the film included in their membership. Please donate today to receive donor perks.

You can also help us to achieve our goals!

I want to fundraise for this

Donor Wall 924

Thomas | £21.05

Mark Northfield | £26.24

Hope this film helps break the political conspiracy of silence about Brexit and the enormous damage it has done: to our economy, to our reputation, to our democracy. But I also hope it can inspire positivity for the future: building trust and cooperation, getting back into the Single Market and eventually rejoining.


Carole wasn’t wrong

Colleen Michel | £52.20

We are so much poorer now in every respect. Before Brexit this country was thriving. And I might add the downhill started before COVID. Both financially and culturally, UK was a magnet for people to come and contribute to this freedom loving country. After Brexit we are but a shell of ourselves now and everything seems just so grey

Mr T J BOX | £21.05

Mike Efstathiou | £26.24

nigel | £26.24

Jeremy Eve | £50

This sounds great Mike. Thank you and I hope it gets the audience it deserves.

Fionna O'Leary | £104.12

Go for it. Don’t let up. Thank you

Kenny | £5.47

Donating from Scotland where we voted to remain but were dragged out against our will.

Stephen Bentinck Budd | £26.24

This is deeply necessary. Future generations need to understand the deceit that created this aberration.


My children were born EU citizens. This government took their rights away, and will never forgive them for that.

Mike Hollows | £5

Ian Pittock | £26.24

Derek Copeland | £10.87

Please make the points about pensioners being able to retire to EU countries without the 90day restrictions, and the loss of freedom of movement and association.

Graeme Mcdonald | £26.24

Looking forward to watching the final product.

simon | £26.41

Such a good idea we donated twice! Let's turn this mess around.

Clare Schofield | £26.24

I am donating because we need to document the lies, impact and nightmare of BREXIT that was inflicted on this country. Thank you for making this film. I am hopeful for change.

Craig Savery

Very best of luck. We urgently need the UK to start acknowledging the continuing consequences of the BREXIT implementation.

Debbie | £26.24

Thank you for doing this. I hope it clearly explains the real story of Brexit especially to get through to all the working classes that believe their interests are best served by a conservative government.

Val Winstanley | £26.24

I have been following your post and videos for a long time. Good luck with the projects

Jon England

Hoping this documentary will serve as a reminder of how a population can be hoodwinked so that it will never happen again.

Gillian Falls | £10.66

Looking forward to hearing the truth for once

Angela Milroy | £52.20

Information and evidence about the failure of Brexit and it's damage to growth must be widely publicised.

Tracey ORourke | £21.05

Steven Hugh Reid | £26.24


Bryan Worth | £5.69

Sarah | £10.66
