Blokada ad blocker & privacy app
Hi! My name is Karol, I'm the original developer of Blokada. Together with a group of amazing people we have dedicated few years of our lives to bring the app to the state and quality it is today. We believe you should not have to endure the endless tracking and invigilation. If you think alike, I encourage you to donate, so we can continue providing you the means to protect your privacy.
We are based in Europe, so we accept Euro: €10 is roughly $12.
Oso ona. Eskerrik asko
Pratham | €5
Had completely forgotten about this app! Just keeps doing its job silently. Thanks devs. Visited relative, used their phone for 2 mins and found those ads!
Lionel | €20
C'est un plaisir quotidien d'utiliser votre application, merci... / It's a daily pleasure to use your app, thanks...
Sebastian Gallehr | €10
Hugues | €5
Vraiment merci pour cette application qui m’as permis de profiter pleinement de mon smartphone Androïd. Plus de pistage ni de pubs. Je préfère choisir à qui je dois donner mon argent plutôt qu’être le produit d’une grande firme. Merci encore.
Marcus | €10
Ich habe schon Geld für weniger nützliche Apps ausgegeben. Vielen Dank für die App und sie dahinter stehende Arbeit.
Peter | €10
Adrian Kunz | €20
Ronny | €5
Blokada has helped me block unskippable ads in games and in youtube. This adfree experience is how the internet should be
Gert S | €10
Keep up the good work. 500k blocks in 2 years, just unbelievable.
Excellent application. Thank you very much for bringing privacy features to overcome modern massive data collection and ads.
J. W. Dijkema | €10
Dirk Ja | €10
Amir Ramli | €10
Anonymous | €10
thank you
Mathias | €10
die wichtigste App für mehr Datenschutz
Andreas | €10
I can't imagine using my device without this ad eating great app. Please keep up the good work.
Wolfgang | €20
Ich danke euch allen sehr! Einmal für euer Engagement und zweitens, dass ihr uns teilhaben lasst. Schöne Weihnachten euch allen. Grüße aus Sachsen.
Katharina | €10
Danke für das super Tool!
Anonymous | €5
Gerald | €10
Danke an die Entwickler Crew für diese super Software. Ich benutze Blokada schon seit Jahren und sie ist eine meiner wichtigsten App's. Blokada+ ist das Sahnehäubchen und ich werde es noch lange abonieren.
Brian | €5
Thank you for this app. It means a lot to me that I can block ads without root, and with a very easy to understand user interface. Please keep this app alive!