THANK YOU SO MUCH for your contribution in these desperate times for Israel right now. The IDF soldiers thanks you for your support and prayers!
Here are the 3 main areas where the funds have been going directly to:
- IDF Approved Tactical equipment such as BULLET PROOF VESTS for Soldiers and Reservists.
- FOOD and SUPPLIES for Orphans and Widows in Sderot and Ashkelon devastated areas.
- FIRST AID KITS in Jerusalem for Israelis who were rescued from Gaza.
Here's the latest video message from Israel Elia, the founder of this Campaign:
AA BIG THANK YOU, in the video below, from the IDF Soldiers of the first Battalion that received IDF approved Bullet Proof Vests we provided for them!
YOU CAN SAVE A LIFE OF ONE OF THESE SOLDIERS by clicking on the DONATE BUTTON! Bless the IDF Soldiers today with a donation of $700! You can send a soldier a suitcase filled with tactical equipment, plus essential needs, including a BULLET PROOF VEST - Everything approved by the IDF!!
God blesses those who bless Israel 🇮🇱 DONATE TODAY!!
Donor Wall 53
Our Lord and Savior Yeshua Ha'Mashiach loves the Israel people! HalleluYah!
Tammy | $26.34
I pray that God will stretch out His hand over the military of Israel and protect His people.
Your God is my God. God chosen you Israel as the love of his life I support Israel with all my heart with all my soul God Bless ISRAEL
Adianez Pérez
עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי🖖
R' Eduardo Arroyo | $250
Blessings to Am Yisrael from Radar Apologetics community
God bless Bibi, his government, Israel, IDF and the population. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 I hope the hostages still in the hands of the terrorists will be freed soon. ❤️
May Schwenke-Naseri | $727.71
May from Samoa 🇼🇸 $700USD I love ❤️ and support Israel the apple of God’s eye. God bless you with His salvation Yeshua Messiah
Marián Klačan
Let Heavenly Father God Mighty powerfully bless IDF and Israel in name of Jesus Christ Nazarene that Crucified. Thank you for your Service, and old ones Israelits for their Kindness. They moved me so much. I appreciate that. Thanks to Elihana for her faith and love to our Lord Jesus. I will pray for you all.
Megi Scott | $53.78
Blessings and prayers from Finland!
Viktor Kinlan
In the Name of Yeshua Ha'Mashiach! Hallelu-Yah! God is with you Israel!
Donna Piper | $26.34
Alexa De La Vega
Thanks so much Elihana, I am so blessed in who you are in Jeshua.
Maria Martinez | $104.42
I stand with Israel 🇮🇱🙏🕊️
Andrea | $104.39
We continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem 🙏. Sometimes there is no peace without war. We thank Adonai for the IDF.
Please use for those in need. May Adonai protect them in Yashua's name.
Standing in solidarity with Israel 🇮🇱 and the Jewish people Blessings to you
We are in prayer for Israel.
Daniel | $31.67
Glad to help this special initiative even as I support a few ministries in Israel already. God bless and guide the IDF and the leaders of Israel
Joyce | $250
Am Yisrael chai! Adonai bless His chosen people! Praying Psalm 91 over you all. Much love in Yeshua 💗🇮🇱
Mi Saraan Waugh
Christian Brazilians and Americas are for Israel. God bless you oh Israel.
May | $125.17
May $120 US - Australia/Samoa Much love for you Israel the apple of God’s eye The LAND IS yours and God’s name is established in Jerusalem forever It’s in the bible the land was given to Abraham Israel you will win this war cos YWHW is on your side fighting for you He’s already regathered His ppl back to Israel and to Himself n still happening and that’s why the Anti Christ n his agenda is obvious He knows he has little time left n things are wrapping up but Israel n all God’s ppl will prevail cos God Yeshua will do away with him when He comes back to rule n reign forever Be courageous Israel my heart weeps for you and your loved ones that are gone n displaced cos of evil n the forces of darkness from these terrorists May Adonai comfort you greatly n keep you He never sleeps nor slumber MWWWAAHH to the IDF front line and all of you defending your country Thank you Elihana n family I knew you cos the LORD placed in my heart to support your ministry cos He said you’re for the Truth n for Him Amen
Denise De Lancy
Our ministry stands with Israel and your ministry. God Bless
Juliane Halle | $104.39
Shalom and blessings in the Name of Yeshua
We are praying for you and standing with you.
May the LORD give you the victory as you follow HIM, may HIS angels fight for you, and protect you from all evil... Shalom and prayers
LauraV Goebel | $26.48
For the IDF
Jean Jacques Le Prêtre