Help Us Build The Imoye Space - A Community Library Celebrating African Literature






Hi there!

Thanks for stopping by. We are the ISSAMBA centre, a centre run by the African Art and Cultural Community Contributor Organization (AACCCS). AACCCS has for the past 10 years been contributing to the cultural landscape of Victoria through hosting a broad range of cultural, educational, and artistic events which celebrate the richness and diversity of African culture and create avenues for cross-cultural development, engagement and education. The word Issamba is from the Cameroonian Beti dialect meaning “come together.” 


We would like to add The Imoye Space to our community center. The Imoye Space, coined from the Yoruba word for knowledge, is a physical community library within the center. Our end goal is to create an accessible and welcoming space for everyone to experience books of all genres written by authors of African descent from around the world. Any contribution will help us reach our goal to make diverse cultural perspectives more available to people in Victoria, BC.


Thanks for the help and please drop in sometime :)