BETA Program Fund
BETA is a free 8 – 12 week mentorship program for children and teens with type one diabetes. Each mentee is paired with trained paraprofessionals that provide education, support, and encouragement to those living with type 1 diabetes. Sharing experiences about living with diabetes helps both the mentor and mentee to connect, and provide support and advice on navigating life with diabetes. The goal of the program is to help the mentee feel empowered and more comfortable living with and managing their diabetes while also building a supportive community. Activities are tailored to the mentee’s interests and structured to allow mentees to gain diabetes knowledge and skills that help them work towards achieving their diabetes goals.
All funds raised go to support BETA program activities and para-professional diabetes training for our mentors. These funds will be matched up to $1000.00 (total) by the DCCT Board of Directors. Donations are tax deductable.