Being Me Project






IAMBEINGME.COM and The "Being Me" Project is about being yourself and not letting anyone get you down! We are all unique and different in our own way.


We should embrace our differences and not let the negative attitudes of others bring us down.

We may not be able to stop all of the bullies in the world, but we can change the way they make us feel. We don't have to let their negativity bring us down.


Please join us in bringing awareness to being unique and loving ourselves no matter what others may say or think. 

We are trying to teach children + adults that no matter what you should always love yourself. We hope through this project we can lower the rates of suicide and depression in children and adults.

Donations go to Website fees (monthly + yearly), + photo supplies + sessions/rentals, one-on-one therapy, group sessions, supplies and so much more.

 We also will be using funds to purchase supplies for children that need a confidence boost! We will be giving them photo sessions, tickets to events, parties, and more! 

We will also use funds for travel fees, supplies for public events, flyers for schools and groups, and so much more!

Any donation amount will help. 

Thank you so much for helping and being a part of this great project!

If you would like to help out with this project we are also looking for volunteers- in all states!