Before It's Too Late

Dear Donor,

Before It's Too Late (BITL) uses art and technology to educate and inspire people to take action on climate change and to build a more sustainable world together. We strive to find ways to make this topic more visually and emotionally engaging in order to reach more people in the general public who are currently unengaged. We are based in Miami, FL, and our work is mostly focused in Florida.

BITL is most recognized for our augmented reality murals - these are interactive murals that come to life through your phone. We are also proud of our annual Earth Week Challenge, which enrolls thousands of students in South Florida in a one week challenge to take action to fight climate change.  Learn more about our projects at

Your contribution will help our team to continue testing and expanding our mission to:

(1) educate people about climate change and sustainability

(2) use public art to shift our cultural mindset to build a more sustainable world together

(3) engage more students in environmentalism

Thank you,

Before It's Too Late team