Bedrooms Are For People
A Citizen-Led Ballot Initiative in Boulder, CO
Please Support Our Grassroots Ballot Campaign in Boulder, CO
Bedrooms Are For People is a volunteer ballot initiative campaign to reform the Boulder government’s discriminatory home occupancy limits by allowing at least one person to live in each bedroom of a home, regardless of whether or not those people are related to each other.
Thank you so much for contributing what you can. Your generosity will fuel this campaign and will make our community a more welcoming, inclusive, and affordable place to call home.
Together, we can make a difference. Thank you for investing in this critical community initiative!
Donor Wall52
Scott Morgan | $26.27
Ray Keener | $26.27
Brook Stableford
Time to dismantle The 3-unrelated housing ordinance. It is discrimination baked into our city code.
Jenn Dice | $52.23
Thank you for all that you are doing - good luck!
Katie | $52.23
Fran | $52.23
Skyelar Habberfield
Thank you for bringing this battle to the ballot! You are going to help so many people if you win
Benita | $52.23
Scott Elliott | $26.27
WIN this fight!
Jon Carroll | $104.15
Catherine | $52.23
Rebekah | $415.68
The city shouldn't get to decide who gets to live together. Housemates are a great way to be fiscally responsible in an expensive city.
dirk | $52.23
Lets get this done the housing situation in Boulder is ridiculous
William Shutkin | $750
Rebecca Davies
There's no time like the present to end an antiquated, discriminatory law!
hit it rich on dogecoin and you all get to profit!
Danica Powell | $26.27
I was kicked out of my first house in Boulder (20 years ago) for living with 3 others in a 5 bedroom house. I am so excited to see this initiative for our community. Living with our neighbors, friends, elders, co-workers is good for everyone. Let's align our values with our policies. Having people in buildings and homes will help support a resilient, healthy community, provide safer neighborhoods, and create more opportunity for everyone. Bedrooms are for people.
Gary Sprung | $26.27
I'd go further, because I don't think government has any business regulating who can live in a house. But this is an important start and politically possible. Let's make efficient use of our existing houses! Let's make communities in homes. Let's treat families and unrelated people equally.
Shakti Anderson | $104.15
David Adamson | $10.70
Next, let's work on allowing more for sale mixed-income housing, especially appreciation-restricted (via Community Land Trusts or public land ownership), primarily bike-ped-transit-served, especially for local workers, in ALL zones. Let's make Boulder for People, of all ages, races and incomes, not cars. Diversity is Strength!
Philip & Akane Ogren | $519.52
Thank you for expanding access to housing!
BUZZ BURRELL | $104.15
This is very important! Thank you for your excellent work - online petitions are obviously great but even that wasn't easy.