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Yellow Bike Project is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that has been working since 1997 to get more bikes on the streets of Austin by operating community bike shops, teaching bike mechanics and maintenance, and acting as a local bike advocacy group.
Bikes for all: We believe that everyone deserves to experience the joy, independence and health benefits that bicycle ownership provides and we work to achieve that goal by offering Earn-a-Bike programs for youth and adults, donating bikes to folks in need of transportation through our direct donation program, and providing affordable refurbished bikes for sale.
Educate: We put the tool in your hand! At YBP, we won't fix it for you but we will show you how. Hands on education, empowering folks with the knowledge to repair their own bike and pass along that knowledge to their neighbor.
Reuse: Diverting bicycles from the waste stream and keeping them on the streets as clean transportation alternatives since 1997.