Become a Patron of the SNCAGO Recital Series






The Southern Nevada Chapter of the American Guild of Organists provides world class fine arts programming through its annual recital series, now in its fifteenth year. The SNCAGO relies upon the generosity of our donors to present these amazing organ recitals free to the public. Won't you help insure that these incredible concerts continue here in Las Vegas?

Patrons are recognized on our concert programs, on the SNCAGO website and included in our performance newsletter. Contributors names remain on the list of patrons throughout the concert season (up to one year).

There are five levels of giving from loud to soft to fit any budget. In honor of, in memory of,  and in recognition of donations accepted.

  • Fortissimo ($250 and above)

  • Forte ($200 to $249)

  • Mezzo Forte ($150 to $199)

  • Mezzo Piano ($100 to $149)

  • Piano ($50 to $99)

  • Pianissimo ($25 to $49)