Be a Witness to the Light
Be a Witness to the Light!
Stand in the gap for the Lord when the whole World will reject his presence here on Earth. Stand with the white rider of Revelation and know and understand that out of small beginnings a huge mountain will grow. The time for Jesus to lay the foundation for his Millennium Kingdom has come!
Put substance to your faith and remove resources form the world and the enemy by using them for Kingdom purposes. This is the easiest way to harm Satan and his plans because eventually funds not used for the Kingdom will end up for worldly issues and the empire of the enemy.
By supporting Kingdom purposes for such a time as this, you do not only stand as a witness for the Light but also help the Heavens to establish deeper on earth. Out of small beginnings you will grow into the Millennium Kingdom. Stand now with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit has called you as witnesses onto the scene. Let us all support the Kingdom of God by using worldly resources to fund Kingdom purposes. This is the moment in time when you need to stand for your Lord and bridegroom Jesus Christ:
Use worldly funds to spread the truth of Heaven on Earth. Select from the following Kingdom purposes:
1. Kingdom Work of Triple Grace
2. Support for the little ones
3. Blessings to the needy
4. Love towards Michael
5. Building the Ark of the East
6. A powerful statement of a Warrior
7. The Lord's Warrior Fund
8. "I am a witness to the Light"
9. We are lifting the handicapped out of their chairs
All funds will be used for Kingdom purposes to spread the words that the Lord has revealed over the last 7 years and to lay the foundation through the Safe Haven as the storehouse of God for his end time harvest.
May the Holy Spirit open your mind and soul to be a witness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ today. Be part of this message and remove resources from the enemy to be used for Kingdom purposes.
Soon we will be standing before the Son of Man!
Donor Wall1
Shane barber | $6.06
May this help out The Kingdom of God. God bless you all everyday. Our prayers and love for you all everyday 🙏