Be a Hen House Hero! Great Coop Campaign of 2024
Reno Food Systems is embarking on a new adventure: Chickens!!! 3 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Blue Andalusians, 3 Blue Laced Wyandotte and 10 Easter Eggers will live at the farm this season and play a big role in our 2024 regenerative soil health plan.
We need your help funding electric fencing and a mobile chicken tractor to allow us to move the chickies around the farm, prepping the fields prior to planting, eating bugs, fertilizing and aerating the soil. Please donate what you can!
We need your help funding electric fencing and a mobile chicken tractor to allow us to move the chickies around the farm, prepping the fields prior to planting, eating bugs, fertilizing and aerating the soil. Please donate what you can!
Donor Wall 1
Kendra | $100