Website Expenses






I want to sincerely thank each and every one of you for your continued support of BDH Network over the years. That means the world to me. What you may not know is the cost of operating such a machine. I always strive for the absolute top quality whenever possible and by doing so, unfortunately, results in higher operating costs.

The money required to operate at this level has always come directly out of my pocket, due to my love and passion for what I do here and being of service to the Bryce fandom. The operating costs for BDH Network ranges from $850 to $1200 a year. This includes website hosting, overall maintenance, better plugins for the website, HQ photos, special exclusive photos and photoshoots, videos, etc. that you wouldn't find anywhere else. All of this adds up quickly and I've always personally paid out of pocket.

Don’t worry! The site isn’t going anywhere and we will continue operating like normal, HOWEVER, I am now giving you the OPTION to donate (if you choose) to help me with expenses. If you don't have the money, that's fine! If you don't trust that I will be using your money towards the site, that's fine too! I am still going to be spending the money required either way, the only difference is, you now have the option to help out. If no one wants to donate, that's perfectly fine, nothing will change, but I just wanted to put the option out there. Every dollar helps, but please do not feel obligated at all. Every cent donated will go directly towards our yearly goal. Thank you all again for your support over the past few years and I look forward to what the future brings for us!

Donor Wall 4


So glad to help out this amazing cause!! Jen works so hard to bring us the best BDH content out there and supporting her in her goals to making this such an incredible community for all of Bryce’s fans makes me so happy! ❤️

Sibylle | $20

For the good work a little recognition from Germany, I hope it helps a bit.

Caleb | $20

Keep doing what you do best and following dreams, Jen! Your friend, -Caleb


Bryce has done so much for me and she always makes my day