




Libby & Laura are competing 

in an art competition called ArtPrize and... 


 Help us complete this awesome art installation... 

We have entered and been accepted into this year’s ArtPrize https://artprize.org, an independent international art competition in Grand Rapids, Michigan, which runs from September 15th thru October 2nd.

above: a baby with a tiny baby version of our much larger project!

We are designing a large installation that involves "boatloads" of felted wool balls to be hung from suspended dreamcatchers. Our venue for this competition will be located in a brand new part of the Gerald R. Ford International Airport - Baggage Claim #4... soon to be the international baggage claim - OOH LALA! 

Libby and myself, Laura, are both willing to invest our time and know-how to this upcoming project because it’s fun and we believe in adding a “wink” to everyday things. We are calling on YOU, our friends, family, and more friends to join us on this art quest!

We need initial investments to get these balls rolling. So here is your chance, support us now and we can start ordering the thousands of balls we are going to need to make this thing happen.

Our initial concept is scalable so that the final installation’s size becomes as large as we all can afford to give! The more balls that make up this structure, the more spectacular this creation can be.

We have teamed up with a group of artists in Nepal that will supply us with the beautifully eco-friendly-dyed and hand-felted wool balls that we will be using. This means that a very large portion of your donations will end up in those hardworking hands, over 7500 miles away. IT really IS international!
We also have future ideas on how to up-cycle all or most of the materials that we will use for this project, but let's put a pin in that for now. Stay tuned... it's good stuff!

You can watch this space to track the fund’s progress.
ALSO, Be sure to follow us on Instagram:
where we will post drawings, schematics, and progress reports. 

Anything that you can give will help us immensely. See your sponsored balls in all of their glory. It's gonna be awesome. THANK YOU!!!!!

Low on funds but still wanna help?? 
Are you into balls?

We are opening up positions for unpaid apprenticeships for this epic installation. 
If you are feeling ballsy, just leave a note when you donate or contact us at: https://www.instagram.com/staubartcollective

Installation will start on September 1st. 

Logistics about the final artwork:
Measuring roughly 20ft.X 20ft in area (tbd : D), felt balls will be strung in specific order and hung from giant woven dreamcatchers that will be suspended from the ceiling. The mass of thousands of specifically placed balls stretching over the open space will allow images/designs to appear. The viewer will be able to see a different image/design depending upon where they stand to view the installation. The balls act like individual "pixels" to make up the whole image.

Donor Wall28

Thomas woudstra | $50

Love you both and your creative flair. Tom & Nancee

Karen Edwards | $40

Sue Mersch | $50

Go girls! Love this.

marcia & george mom's clients and friends | $60

Kim | $250

I’m pulling for you girls!

Andrew Samrick | $36

I hope my balls get you over the edge!!!

Sarah Fitzgerald | $50

Susan | $25

So excited for both of you, I can’t wait to see your installation!

Nancy Hagedorn | $25

I’m sure it will be amazing.

Amy | $50

Can’t wait to see your balls…

AmyB | $75


Robyn | $25

Fabulous! You rock!


Two talented ladies… anxious to see your contribution.

Avinash | $100

Sarah | $100

Kelly DeBaar | $25

You ladies have the balls to do this creative project. Can't wait to see it!

Joanna Lioce | $100

Congratulations! We love you both! ♥️ Vesuvio

Steve & Jeanne | $100

Yay! You Go Gals

Tom Foley | $100

Excited to see the art

Heidi | $50

Woot! Balls in the hall! Can’t wait to see it!


Here’s some balls. This idea sounds phenomenally exciting!!

Joe | $50

Love you both and glad to help. Keep up your creative ways and glad to see your collaboration

Jill | $30

Love you both! Can’t wait to see your creation! You are two of the most talented artists I know!!!!


Woohoo! Balls for All!

Erin Walters | $50

Love youz big💗💕

Sean Smith | $100

Happy Birthday Ladies!

Allison | $22

Loving your heARTwork!

Elizabeth Ashcroft | $30

Love the concept!!!