MTLP Ballot Access Fund

MTLP's ballot access is under attack!

Once again we face a campaign to drive us off the ballot in the Montana legislature, We need to fight it there but we need to be prepared to slug it out in court and take the issue to the people. That will take a war chest.

Your donation goes directly to funding that fight. As a grassroots movement we rely on contributions from members and generous donors like you. Your one-time and recurring donations give us the tools to stand up to entrenched power and resist abuses of that power.

We want to focus on our core mission—advancing the cause of liberty throughout the state--but we have to be where voters can reach us. With your help we can stay in the fight, where we've been since 1980. 

Thank you for supporting the work of the Montana Libertarian Party!

MTLP is a 501 C4 political organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.