Backpack Outreach

A Profound Expression Of Love...

Many of the children that we serve live in deep poverty, coming from families of migrant farm workers.  Most do not have access to basic health care and dental care, and many have never been to a dentist - ever.  All of the services at the clinics are at no cost for those needing care.  Many families use torn plastic sheets that were used to cover crops to make their homes.

Our heart is to express love to these children not only through the care they receive at a clinic, but also through a backpack for when they go back home!

The backpacks have a much needed hygiene kit, new socks, a toy, and the Gospel message.  Select "monthly" and you will provide a backpack(s) EVERY MONTH, making your impact stretch over the long haul!

We typically treat 80-100 children at each of our weekend clinics.