AYUDA 2024 Campo Amigo Program






Hello! My name is Zoe and I am so excited to share that this summer, I will be volunteering with American Youth Understanding Diabetes Abroad, Inc. (AYUDA) in the Dominican Republic.

At age 9 I was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes. This is why volunteering with AYUDA matters to me. Living with this disease has made me want to help people living with diabetes everywhere. Dealing with Type One Diabetes is extremely hard but I am lucky enough to have all the supplies and medical care that I need. I can't imagine living with this disease without these things. 

My goal is to try and raise 7,000 for AYUDA. All the money I raise will directly go to helping Dominican families and children living with diabetes. This is why AYUDA's mission is so important to me and why your donation would matter. 

Your support ensures that local diabetes programs will continue to thrive and that young people living with diabetes will have access to the education and tools they need to live happy and healthy lives. 

Heres a little about AYUDA: 

AYUDA uses an innovative peer-leadership model through which international volunteers serve as catalysts to empower local youth living with diabetes to live happier and healthier lives. Together with AYUDA's in-country partner organization, Aprendiendo a Vivir, and my fellow volunteers, we will plan and implement community education initiatives, day-long diabetes outreach projects, and local capacity-building programs that motivate and support people of all ages with diabetes and their families. 

By involving volunteers in multiple elements of the program, AYUDA provides hands-on experiences that inspire us to serve as agents of social change, not only in diabetes communities but in other areas of our lives, as well. We work together with local youth in the Dominican Republic to deliver culturally appropriate and effective programs that are specifically based on the needs of the community with an eye toward long-term sustainability.

AYUDA endeavors to remain a grassroots volunteer-based organization in a unique way: by asking its volunteers to contribute a major part of the costs to run AYUDA’s programs, including the sponsorship of local diabetes projects, through fundraising. Without the dedication of individual volunteers, AYUDA would not be able to implement its programs to support local diabetes communities.

Heres is a little about diabetes: 

Type One Diabetes is an autoimmune disease that occurs when antibodies attack the beta cells in the pancreas that are responsible for producing insulin. In simple terms, insulin transports the sugar that enters your bloodstream to your cells so your body can use the sugar for energy. You cannot live without insulin. But for a person living with diabetes education is just as vital as insulin. Unfortunately, many people living with diabetes across the world do not have access to these resources. This is why AYUDA's mission is so important. By supporting AYUDA's endeavors you are helping people get the necessary resources to live a healthy life. 


I will be traveling to the Dominican Republic on July 6, but my experience starts now! Please consider supporting AYUDA's mission by contributing! Your donation is tax-deductible, quick, and easy to make online. Your support ensures that local diabetes programs will continue to thrive and that young people in these communities will have access to education and tools that will help them live happier, healthier lives with diabetes. Your contribution will directly impact the lives of many. 

A donation of any size makes a difference and is greatly appreciated!

Donor Wall6

Sujay Margo

Joshua and Susan Wolf Alban | $1,000

Marjorie Swett

Fantastico! Chevere! y gracias por este servicio tan importante! Tu amiga, Marjorie Swett Bethesda, MD


Good job, Zoe! This sounds like an excellent program and we are all very proud of how you handle it all. Much love to YOU!


Good on you, Zoe! And all your AYUDA friends. You all are doing great work and providing much needed help to families living with diabetes. Thank you!

Sarah Titus

What an awesome program Zoe! We know you'll do so much to help others with T1 and inspire them. xox