AYUDA 2024 Campo Amigo Program






I am excited to share that, this summer, I will be volunteering with American Youth Understanding Diabetes Abroad, Inc. (AYUDA) in the Dominican Republic again!!

I participated in AYUDA in 2023 and had an incredible time. I worked closely with the AYUDA and Dominican AAV volunteers and formed amazing friendships that I am so grateful for. I worked with and met wonderful people who are all so passionate about doing whatever they can to help end the disparity in access to treatment, medicine, and appropriate diabetes education. In the three weeks we were there, some notable things we did were visit one of the three main pediatric hospitals in the DR, visit the medical clinic in the town of San Crístobal, and thoughtfully plan fun and educational lessons and activities for camp, and then run a camp for children with diabetes, impacting over 100 children.

AYUDA uses an innovative peer-leadership model through which international volunteers serve as catalysts to empower local youth living with diabetes to live happier and healthier lives with their condition. Together with AYUDA's in-country partner organization, Aprendiendo a Vivir ("learning to live"), and my fellow volunteers, we will plan and implement community education initiatives, day-long diabetes outreach projects, and local capacity-building programs that motivate and support people of all ages with diabetes and their families.

By involving volunteers in multiple elements of the program, AYUDA provides hands-on experiences that inspire us to serve as agents of social change, not only in diabetes communities but in other areas of our lives, as well. We work together with local youth in the Dominican Republic to deliver culturally appropriate and effective programs that are specifically based on the needs of the community with an eye toward long-term sustainability.

My dad has had type one diabetes since he was a teenager so I immediately felt a strong bond with AYUDA because diabetes has always been present in my life. As I grew up and realized the disparity in access to treatment, medicine, and appropriate diabetes education, I wanted to make a change in whatever way I could. I want everyone to have access to information about diabetes and have the tools needed to manage their condition, thus why I strongly resonated with AYUDA’s message that a lack of education is just as dangerous as a lack of insulin.  I hope that you can help me lessen the resource and education gap in the Dominican Republic by assisting me in reaching my fundraising goal.  


AYUDA endeavors to remain a grassroots volunteer-based organization in a unique way: by asking its volunteers to contribute a major part of the costs to run AYUDA’s programs, including the sponsorship of local diabetes projects, through fundraising. Without the dedication of individual volunteers, AYUDA would not be able to implement its programs to support local diabetes communities. This is where you come in!


I will travel to the Dominican Republic on July 6th, but my journey begins today. Please consider supporting my work this summer and AYUDA’s amazing work by making a contribution. Your donation is tax-deductible and quick and easy to make online. Your support ensures that local diabetes programs will continue to thrive and that young people in these communities will have access to education and tools that will help them live happier, healthier lives with diabetes. A donation of any size makes a difference and is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your support!

Donor Wall18

Joan Friedman | $53.03

So proud of you, Zoe. Love you. -Grandma Joan

Diane | $53.03

Steve Schilling | $105.75


Rainer | $53.03

Ich bin stolz auf meine kleine „Cousine“ Zoe, die sich so sehr engagiert. Gerne unterstütze ich ihr Anliegen.

Lara Cuttriss | $100

happy to be supporting you + the amazing work you are doing, zoë!! love, Lara

Steven Friedman | $500

Vickie Massey


Dawn and Josh Gold

You are doing very important work, Zoe!

Weintraub Callahan Family | $100

so great to see you continue this impactful work.

Randi Ross | $263.89

We're all very proud of you and your commitment to helping the diabetic community in the DR. Wishing you another impactful trip this summer! With love, Clan Ross

Joe | $100


Barbara Heymach

To our loving and wonderful granddaughter. We are so proud of your dedication towards helping others. Nana and Papa


Wishing you another productive summer!

Jen Moss Chris Sawyer

Jon Fredrikson | $263.89

Dear Zoe, We're fully behind your mission to make a positive impact on people's lives. AYUDA fundraising is doing incredible work, providing vital assistance to those who really need it.