AYUDA 2024 Campo Amigo Program






As some of you may know, I attended the Campo Amigo Program in the Dominican Republic with AYUDA during the summer of 2023. AYUDA stands for American Youth Understanding Diabetes Abroad and focuses on using an innovative peer-leadership model through which international volunteers serve to empower local youth living with diabetes to live happier and healthier lives with their condition. AYUDA volunteers work with a local partner organization, Aprendiendo a Vivir, in the D.R. to collaborate in planning and implementing educational initiatives, diabetes outreach projects, and local capacity building programs with the goal of motivating and supporting people of all ages with diabetes as well as their families. This program first and foremost works to empower young kids with Type I Diabetes and foster excitement, pride, and a sense that they can achieve anything while living with diabetes.

I am so excited to be going back on this amazing program next summer. Everything about my experience last year was incredibly rewarding and unforgettable. The fundraising aspect of the program, though daunting at first, taught me important entrepreneurship skills. The in-country component enabled me to make meaningful connections, make a difference in others’ lives, and gain invaluable perspective in a community so far from my own. 

I can’t wait to be back in the Dominican Republic participating in such meaningful work. I leave July 6th, but the work starts now. As a volunteer based organization, AYUDA relies on its volunteers to fundraise in order to continue the amazing work they do. As an AYUDA volunteer I am responsible for fundraising $7,000 over the next couple months. By donating to my page, you will help enable AYUDA to make a valuable difference with their programs, and push me further towards my goal. Every single donation no matter how small is appreciated and important to the cause. Thank you so much to everyone who chooses to support my fundraiser and AYUDA’s goals by contributing to my campaign!

Donor Wall4

Charles Malki | $53.03

Great cause! Keep up the GREAT work Susanna! 🤩

Julie Cohen | $105.75

We are so proud of all the work you are doing! Warmly, Julie and Sarah, The College Curagors

Albert Santorelli | $500

Juanita Acha | $100