AYUDA 2024 Campo Amigo Program






Hi, my name is Seviane, but most call me Sevi. I am a sophomore at Palos Verdes High School. This summer, I will be volunteering with American Youth Understanding Diabetes Abroad, Inc. (AYUDA) in the Dominican Republic. AYUDA is a nonprofit organization that dedicates itself to helping people living with diabetes globally. So far, the program has worked in over twenty countries. We often partner with local organizations. By doing this, we aim towards establishing long-term sustainability. This year with AYUDA's in-country partner organization, Aprendiendo a Vivir ("learning to live"), and my fellow volunteers, we will plan and implement community education initiatives, day-long diabetes outreach projects, and local capacity-building programs that motivate and support people of all ages with diabetes and their families. We work to ensure that all activities are also culturally appropriate and effective. These camps aim to educate people living with diabetes on how to manage their condition and to provide them with necessary supplies they may not have the financial means to obtain.


AYUDA not only helps the community, but it also gives its volunteers an amazing opportunity. AYUDA uses an innovative peer-leadership model through which international volunteers(such as myself) serve as catalysts to empower local youth living with diabetes to live happier and healthier lives with their condition. I'm interested in going into public health and medicine when I'm older. So, this program would be helpful in giving me a hands-on experience and the opportunity to start giving back to the community as soon as possible. It also provides leadership experience and allows me to learn more about the lives of those around me.


I will be traveling to the Dominican Republic on July 6, but my journey begins today. Please consider supporting my work this summer and the amazing work AYUDA does by making a contribution. Your donation is tax-deductible and quick and easy to make online. Your support ensures that local diabetes programs will continue to thrive and that young people in these communities will have access to education and tools that will help them live happier, healthier lives with diabetes. Any donation makes a difference and is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your consideration.

Donor Wall2

Miro Tomasevich | $2,500

Proud to see you giving back and doing this important work!!

Jeff | $150

Love to see you helping others!