AYUDA 2024 Campo Amigo Program






I am ecstatic to share that I will be returning to the Dominican Republic to volunteer with American Youth Understanding Diabetes Abroad, Inc. (AYUDA) and collaborate with our local partner Aprendiendo A Vivir (AAV) 


My journey began when I was diagnosed with T1D over a decade ago. I am incredibly lucky to have easily accessible medical tools, technology, and education. This, unfortunately, is not the case for a huge fraction of our community, but diabetes and its effects pay no regard to this difference. These resources vary so drastically in availability to people whom all share the same life-depending need for it, and AYUDA endeavors to shrink that gap.

My experience in the Dominican Republic was an irreplaceable one that left me determined to continue my contribution to AYUDA and its mission. Despite the countless healthcare obstacles the children and their families had to face, there was no shred of despair, but rather beaming smiles and welcoming arms. Even with language and cultural difference, I felt only endless optimism and pure joy, and the children faced type 1 diabetes with strength and positivity like nothing I had ever seen. It was bittersweet and touching as I watched how confidently they managed their conditions with what they had, while I knew the reality of the possibilities unavailable to them in the United States. This, however, only fueled my determination to give them everything I could.

The team’s mission is outstanding because of the holistic and incredible impact it has on not only those with diabetes but also those with loved ones affected by the disease. The hands-on experiences inspire the volunteers to serve as agents of social change, not only in diabetes communities but in all facets of life. By working together with local youth in the Dominican Republic, AYUDA delivers culturally appropriate and effective programs that are specifically based on the needs of the community with an eye toward long-term sustainability. The support and collaboration on site are much more than just sugar management, it offers a well-rounded and all-encompassing experience for the local community and our volunteers.


I am so thankful to be amongst a team making such a great impact, and I’m thrilled to have committed to AYUDA’s mission. The dedication of every individual member of AYUDA is what allows us to focus on empowering and building the local diabetes communities while in the DR. Your donation to the AYUDA purpose will directly fund sponsorships of local diabetes projects and programs to support local diabetes communities. It is what makes our work possible.

Donor Wall6

Angela | $26.67


incredible amazing fantastic

Cindy Wang | $10

4 my fabulous co host

Nicole Aceves

Kjell Kolmorgen

Sarah‘s speech was so good I had to donate :)

Sophia | $21.40