AYUDA 2024 Campo Amigo Program






Hi everyone, 

My name is Sammy Kniker and I am a junior in high school from Georgetown, Massachusetts. This summer I will be volunteering with American Youth Understanding Diabetes Abroad (AYUDA) in the Dominican Republic. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes four years ago, and I’m eager to help others who live with this condition. I’m also very interested in Spanish language and culture, so I am incredibly excited for this opportunity.

AYUDA is an organization that empowers youth with diabetes in Spanish speaking countries to live happier and healthier lives. AYUDA partners with the Dominican diabetes organization Aprendiendo a Vivir (AAV) to educate children and their families about how to manage diabetes.

This summer, my fellow volunteers and I will plan and implement community education initiatives, day-long diabetes outreach projects, and local capacity-building programs that motivate and support people of all ages with diabetes and their families. We will also work together to run Campo Amigo: a two-weekend diabetes education family program.

AYUDA places an awesome responsibility on its volunteers by involving them in multiple elements of the program. One of these elements is fundraising. Volunteers contribute a major part of the cost of running AYUDA’s programs, including sponsorship of local diabetes projects. This is where I need your help! My goal is to raise $7,000 before I go to the Dominican Republic in July. Not a single dollar of this money will go to me; all of it will be given to fund AYUDA's life-changing programs. Fundraising is crucial to AYUDA's mission as it endeavors to remain a grassroots, volunteer-based organization. Without the fundraising of individual volunteers, AYUDA would not be able to implement its programs to support local diabetes communities.

Although I don't leave for the Dominican Republic until July 6th, my AYUDA experience begins today. Please consider supporting my work this summer, and the amazing work of AYUDA, by making a contribution. Your donation is tax-deductible and quick and easy to make online. A donation of any size makes a difference and is greatly appreciated.

Living with Type 1 diabetes has provided me with significant challenges, but I have been incredibly fortunate to have excellent medical care, including high-quality diabetes education. Many people living with diabetes worldwide are not as lucky. Your support ensures that local diabetes programs will continue to thrive and that young people with diabetes in underserved communities will have access to education and tools that will help them live happier, healthier lives.

Donor Wall18

mason peng

Margaret O’Malley | $26.67

Joan Molloy | $26.67

Christine Geiger | $53.03

hey Sammy, wishing you safety and strength in your journey. from "lady".... your pal Chris Geiger

Tamah French | $105.75

Henry Nelson


Milo Chaudry | $10.86

Alec Babineau

Jade Qian | $26.67

Thank you, Sammy! Have a great trip!

Brigitta Allen | $26.67

Go Sammy! ~The Allen Advisory thinks you're awesome:)

Susannah Ketchum Glass | $105.75

I’m proud of you, Sammy; have an incredible time sharing of yourself and learning in the process!

Kristin Lund | $53.03

Ellen | $53.03

Have a great trip. What an opportunity.

Kathleen Ranney

Great cause, Sammy. Best wishes!

Vera Hough

Bayley Royer | $105.75

Bill Quigley | $105.75

A good cause, Sammy. Good for you!