Avon Needs Trees
Photo: Daisy Brasington
About Avon Needs Trees
Avon Needs Trees is a registered charity creating new, permanent woodland throughout the Bristol-Avon catchment to fight the climate and nature emergencies.
Why more woodland?
Over recent centuries the Bristol-Avon catchment area has lost most of its woodland and is now one of the most deforested parts of the UK.
This leaves us vulnerable to the climate crisis, increased flooding, and a sharp decline in our local biodiversity.
Planting new woodlands is essential to tackle the climate and nature emergencies. Woodlands take many years to deliver these benefits, and there are increasing worries about whether new woodlands planted will still be here in the decades to come.
With any tree planting project, it is important to ask if there will be long-term maintenance to ensure the woodland will thrive, and if the trees will be maintained when land changes hands. The best way to guarantee the permanence of new woodlands is to purchase or legally secure the land on which they are created.
We are tackling the climate emergency by fundraising to buy land or partner with landowners to plant new, permanent woodlands of well cared-for trees that will store up carbon over time. New woodlands help natural flood management as well as helping local nature to bounce back.
Become a Woodland Hero!
Join our growing community of regular donors, where your monthly donation will restore habitats, establish woodlands to absorb carbon and alleviate floods, and make a lasting impact! Together, we can create a better future.
Donor Wall218
Donation dedicated to my Dad, for Father's Day
Andy Chester | £26.21
Happy fathers day to Chris Noble
Anonymous | £5
Paul | £72.94
What a fantastic, positive project. More power to you. Paul and Sally
Colin Taylor | £10.63
So pleased to hear the news about Hazeland and look forward to helping out hopefully. Also donated £10 in March via My Giving Account Charities Trust.
Lucy asked for this for her birthday
Harriet | £20
So NEEDED. The project is moving along well. I admire you.This donation is from a friend.
Happy 60th Birthday to Andy!
Marjory Combe | £52.17
A birthday gift for Ewan Combe
Stephen | £50
Teresa | £10.62
I`m delighted that the area will get more trees. Great news. So pleased "Avon Needs Trees" has been established.
Heather | £52.16
Fritjof | £104.08
Briiliant project! Hope it happens soon and there will be many more to come
Prina | £74.86
Profit from our charity pop up cafe at Bristol University.
Joanna Poulton | £550
Thank you for all that you are doing to safeguard this planet for future generations.
angela | £31.39
Annemieke and Tim Waite | £519.45
Adam | £100
A great idea, something I am trying to do myself.
Aarti | £30
Thank you to Frome MC for hosting an excellent conference on how GPs can be greener and suggesting a donation to you.
Jack Spruill | £200
This is a great organization. Not only am I pleased to be able to donate, but I hope to volunteer as a tree planter once the land is acquired.
Libby Watts | £10
Off setting of short haul flights
Ewan Gimson | £300
Anonymous | £74.47
This donation was the profit from a bar ran by Climate Friendly Bradford-on-Avon at Bradford-on-Avon Town Council's St Margaret's Hall at the Green Homes event in January.
Emily Gilbert | £10
Happy 1st birthday Coral-Joy Trees are the future and so are you!
Harriet | £10.62
Barney Maunder-Taylor | £200
Once a month I travel from Bournemouth to London and back on a Sunday; there are no trains when I need to go and I can't always take the coach. Avon Needs Trees is the perfect local(ish) way for me to offset the carbon emissions for the occasions when I end up going by car. My wife and I also LOVE the whole idea of the project and are very excited to see how it progresses!
David Martin | £20
Barbara | £52.16
This donation is a 50th birthday present for my brother Peter Williams who is an active supporter of this project. Happy Birthday Pete and all the best to this very worthwhile cause. love and best wishes Barbara
Anonymous | £52.16
£50 raised through the takings from Climate Friendly Bradford on Avon volunteers running a bar at an event in the town.
Sky Oakes-Nash | £10.62
Avon needs trees is a great charity. Trees take CO2 out of the atmosphere It’s so important to plant trees and protect woodlands , and one of the best ways to do this is to buy Woodland . Please support .