Avon Needs Trees
Photo: Daisy Brasington
About Avon Needs Trees
Avon Needs Trees is a registered charity creating new, permanent woodland throughout the Bristol-Avon catchment to fight the climate and nature emergencies.
Why more woodland?
Over recent centuries the Bristol-Avon catchment area has lost most of its woodland and is now one of the most deforested parts of the UK.
This leaves us vulnerable to the climate crisis, increased flooding, and a sharp decline in our local biodiversity.
Planting new woodlands is essential to tackle the climate and nature emergencies. Woodlands take many years to deliver these benefits, and there are increasing worries about whether new woodlands planted will still be here in the decades to come.
With any tree planting project, it is important to ask if there will be long-term maintenance to ensure the woodland will thrive, and if the trees will be maintained when land changes hands. The best way to guarantee the permanence of new woodlands is to purchase or legally secure the land on which they are created.
We are tackling the climate emergency by fundraising to buy land or partner with landowners to plant new, permanent woodlands of well cared-for trees that will store up carbon over time. New woodlands help natural flood management as well as helping local nature to bounce back.
Become a Woodland Hero!
Join our growing community of regular donors, where your monthly donation will restore habitats, establish woodlands to absorb carbon and alleviate floods, and make a lasting impact! Together, we can create a better future.
Donor Wall218
The Motherhood Society | £90
From donations collected at The Motherhood Society and Ritual Coffee Plant Swap, Cheltenham
Jim | £72.94
I came tree planting earlier in the spring. So thought I would make a donation as well.
Hapticity Architects Ltd | £300
We loved our day planting trees with you. Thank you for everything you do!
James | £268.30
It's great to see Avon Needs Trees growing and so many volunteers connecting with the natural world through your work.
David Woodhead | £215
Keep up the good work!
Steve and Viv | £500
Continue the wonderful work that ANT and its many volunteers is doing
Chris | £83.33
For trees instead of Christmas cards, keep up the good work.
Gavin | £5.17
From Gavin
Cedric | £20
In memory of Trevor Llewelyn Jones
Joanne Harvey
In memory of Trevor Jones
John Barnes | £33.74
From collection at Calne Without Parish Council Green Energy and Nature Day
Gabrielle Kayser
Regenesis BioRemediation Products | £4,425.34
Carole Tonge | £21.03
I sold sold little booklets that I made at my exhibitions in the spring and we raised £20! It's really great to help and I hope it has raised some awareness for your cause.
Joe Phillips | £320
Offsetting our return flights to Croatia for a well deserved family holiday.
Amy Dartington | £20
Happy 1st birthday Oren! When you turn 18 I hope you can enjoy a walk in the forest
James Bradbury | £268.50
Thank you for your excellent work both in restoring nature and our connection to it.
Ewan | £100
Happy father's Day Roger!
Magic Dragon | £42
The children at Magic Dragon came to preschool in their pyjamas and made a donation to Avon Needs Trees.
Penny Bruce | £190.27
Contribution received in honour of the birth of Freddie Davey, bouncing baby daughter to Dr Jeremy & Vanessa Davey
Peter Knight | £70
This money was raised by holding a walk around Savernake Forest on Earth Day 2022. Best wishes, Peter and Sue x x
James | £268.30
Anonymous | £21
Jane Parten | £50
In loving memory of Doris & Tony Buckley who lived in Bath for many years. Jane & Barry Parten + Sue Gower
Edith Edney | £21
Anonymous | £10
Donation on behalf of a passer-by at Stanley Lane site
Pleased to be finally able to make a small donation to this carefully thought through and important project
Keir Philip | £52.15
From the middle one to the management. Love you guys xx
Steve and Viv | £519.44
We have supported ANT for several years now, both through donations and volunteering---a great organisation doing essential and joyous work
Matthew | £50
A Christmas gift for my family.