Avon Needs Trees

Photo: Daisy Brasington

About Avon Needs Trees

Avon Needs Trees is a registered charity creating new, permanent woodland throughout the Bristol-Avon catchment to fight the climate and nature emergencies.

Why more woodland?

Over recent centuries the Bristol-Avon catchment area has lost most of its woodland and is now one of the most deforested parts of the UK.

This leaves us vulnerable to the climate crisis, increased flooding, and a sharp decline in our local biodiversity.

Planting new woodlands is essential to tackle the climate and nature emergencies. Woodlands take many years to deliver these benefits, and there are increasing worries about whether new woodlands planted will still be here in the decades to come.

With any tree planting project, it is important to ask if there will be long-term maintenance to ensure the woodland will thrive, and if the trees will be maintained when land changes hands. The best way to guarantee the permanence of new woodlands is to purchase or legally secure the land on which they are created.

We are tackling the climate emergency by fundraising to buy land or partner with landowners to plant new, permanent woodlands of well cared-for trees that will store up carbon over time. New woodlands help natural flood management as well as helping local nature to bounce back.

Become a Woodland Hero!

Join our growing community of regular donors, where your monthly donation will restore habitats, establish woodlands to absorb carbon and alleviate floods, and make a lasting impact! Together, we can create a better future.

Avon Needs Trees is a charity registered in England and Wales (charity number 1184386). No goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution.

Donor Wall218

Jeni | £10.61

Bruce | £26.19

Bridget Spencer | £100

In memory of Alan and Hazel Whitefoot. I believe the donation should go towards “The Lark Woods” at Hazeland. With much love and gratitude for all their many kindnesses. Bridget and Jon Spencer


Have you done a full invertebrate survey? Buglife could advise you, no bugs, no birds.

Alan & Sue

This donation is made on behalf of our daughter-in-law Sarah which she requested as a birthday gift this year.

Chris | £52.15

Lucas | £20

Thank you for such a great project, we can reach the target together!

Simon | £21

alison | £50

Thanks for a great talk this evening Nikki

David Clease | £15/M

This regular payment is being made on behalf of our 3 granddaughters, Rose, Jessica & Ivy

Trevor | £10.61

From Joseph (5 years old) to help planet earth

Gemma McGough | £750

Christian | £10.61

Anna George | £10.61

Nicky Sweetland | £52.15

Thank you for everything you are doing

Charlotte | £21

Happy 1st Birthday Eli!


Dave | £21


So that our grandchildren can have a better future!

Paul Nicholson | £52.15

This is the way of the future. I’m over 70 and won’t see these trees grow but my grandson will!

Susan | £25

Peter Moss | £25

This year we didn't get a Christmas tree, so half the money we would have spent goes here.

Simon Russell | £10

Avon is a way away from The South Downs where I live, but this really is a s Small World. Avon Needs Trees and we all benefit from them

Jo McManus | £36.57

Donation for the Seend fund, made by Pauline Robertson at the request of Jo McManus in return for a Christmas Eve alpaca experience :-) Thanks Pauline!!


Simply love what you are is doing. Avon so Needs Trees !


Donation on behalf of BS9 Don’t Buy Anything

Steve and Viv Perry | £519.44

Having first been involved with ANT early last year, we wish to continue to support this fantastic project, both financially and as volunteers----long may it thrive and grow.

Lauren | £150

A Christmas donation on behalf of the Emerson-Peters-Brigham-Watson-Smiths! From Loz x

Janet Criucher


A Christmas donation for my sister Loz 😊