As you read these words, there are 40.3 million slaves in the world. 

The average age of girls being trafficked in Nepal is 12 years old, and women and girls make up 86% of the human slaves sold each year.

Many of these girls are forced to have sex up to 40 times a day.

This does not include the torture, beatings, and abuse they suffer.

The trauma that these women have experienced is unimaginable.

Many women and girls who have experienced the above suffer from reproductive and sexual health issues, such as STIs and HIV/AIDs, lack of self-esteem, menstrual issues, self-hatred, depression and anxiety.


Art to Healing needs your support to reach 100 women and children with our art therapy programs, somatic psychology programs and the Women's Transformational Program this year.

Our activities include:

1. Therapeutic support for sexual abuse and trauma through clinical group and individual therapy for 100 sex-trafficked women and children.

2. Education in life-skills, art therapy, yoga for women, reproductive health, self-care, trauma recovery for sexual abuse, conscious fertility and sexuality, and menstrual health and the wisdom of women's cycles through a 10-day training program.

3. Leadership Training of Trainers (TOT), which will enable and empower the participants to be educators & leaders to a wider community of women and girls.

4. Continuation of Art to Healing’s mixed-method research inquiry into how changing the relationship with menstruation and womanhood can improve the lives of girls and women who have experienced sex slavery, exploitation and abuse.

5. Running and expanding our Yoga and Trauma-Informed Programs in over 6 different anti-trafficking shelters for girls and women aged 12 – 35 years old.

We are inviting you to fund 100 participants attending our programs.

This amount will go directly to assist a local woman to receive:

1. Therapeutic support for sexual abuse and trauma through clinical group and individual therapy.

2. Education in life-skills, art therapy, yoga for women, reproductive health, self-care, trauma recovery for sexual abuse, conscious birthing, fertility and sacred sexuality, and menstrual health and the wisdom of women's cycles through a 10-day training program.

3. Feminine leadership Training of Trainers (TOT) and peer education training, which will enable and empower the participants to be educators & leaders to a wider community of women and girls.

In turn, these women will teach and provide other sex trafficked survivors in their community, improving health care and prevention of sex trafficking in rural areas to approximately 300 other women and girls in anti-trafficking shelters, drop-in centres, slums and brothels, and women rights organisations.

Funding Breakdown:

Cost of Training Venue and food for one participant: $40 AUD/day ($25 USD/day)

Cost for Training Program for 10 days: $40 x 10 = $400 ($250 USD)

Cost for 100 women: $400 x 100 = $40,000. ($25,000 USD)

Art to Healing Limited is a proud PBI registered charity (ACN: 616352893 /ABN: 41 616 352 893) with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. No goods or services were provided to you, the donor, by the organization in exchange for your contribution. All donations are considered tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to the particular taxpayer and their location.