




All contributions to this fund serve the housing needs of beneficiaries who were forcefully relocated from Artsakh to Armenia. This includes the cost of home renovations (materials and labor) as well as the purchase of furniture and appliances. Funds will be utilized on a needs basis. 


The Artsakh Housing Fund supports our Housing Renovation Initiative for Artsakh refugees. 

Since the occupation of Artsakh in September 2023, Armenia has witnessed a significant increase of Artsakhtsi refugees, with over 100,000 individuals seeking shelter and safety within its borders. Many of these refugees have managed to secure housing in various villages across Armenia, utilizing their last savings to purchase homes or find refuge in rental properties. 

However, there is a concerning trend emerging as people from Artsakh are increasingly leaving Armenia, with a notable portion migrating to Russia in search of better housing, stability and opportunities. 

To address this challenge and support the integration of Artsakh refugees within Armenia, we established the Housing Renovation Initiative. Through this initiative, we utilize the Artsakh Housing Fund to renovate essential living spaces in homes, like bathrooms and kitchens. Our goal is to create livable and inviting spaces that restore dignity and support integration for families who were forcefully displaced. 

Our first renovation is complete! See our project report here: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/62e6c9a754804f2488144617/t/66195abd20784c72e9c3ab1f/1712937665205/Housing+Renovation+Project-+Marine+%281%29.pdf


At Kooyrigs, we value transparency, so we provide customized reports to donors at request. If you would like a report on how your funds were utilizedplease feel free to reach out to us via email: [email protected]. You can also email us if you would like to learn more about our projects or propose an idea for collaboration.