
Please Support Animal Friends Community Animal Free Desexing, Medical Care, and Food Bank.

捐款方法 : 

1. PayMe 



2. 轉數快 FPS ID  7190747 

3. 銀行轉帳/設立自動轉帳    Bank Transfer/ Direct debit

HSBC 滙豐銀行 400865929838    

Bank of China 中國銀行 01239400042952    

Hang Seng Bank 恆生銀行 789603263883 

4. 支票 Cheque    

支票抬頭 Payable to " Animal Friends Limited"   

請把支票郵寄到 Please post a cheque to    香港九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行18樓 1821 室    Unit 1821, 18/F., Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 

5. 信用卡 Credit Card/ Apple Pay/ PayPal 

索取可扣稅捐款收據 Obtain Tax Deductible Donation receipt: 

1/ 上傳 Upload : https://www.animalfriends.org.hk/donation-receipt 

2/ 電郵 Email : donation@animalfriends.org.hk

3/ WhatsApp : 92299494

慈善機構號碼  Charitable Organization91/11066

全義工組織,零行政費 Volunteer Organization without any administration fees

Your Donation Saves Our Animal Friends 


Donor Wall 5


Andrew Lee | HK$5,000

Keep up the great work guys, thank you for looking after HKs vulnerable

Ka Man | HK$100/M

YIK MAN | HK$500

Ho Yau | HK$200