Support the Youngstown Free Library in 2025






Your support at any level will help our tiny Library continue to serve its community.

In 2024, community support again accounted for nearly 40% of our budget. The two largest sources of community support come from the Annual Fund Drive and Gifts to the Library. This support comes directly from our friends and neighbors who know how important the Library is to its community.

The Annual Fund Drive is a key source of support for the Library, providing for 15% of our budget. The Annual Fund Drive is key to the Library being able to pay its less glamorous expenses: insurance, utilities, cleaning supplies, personnel, and technology.

Gifts to the Library pay tribute to someone special as well as supporting the Library. Honor a loved one with a dedication. Your gift will be acknowledged in a card to the honoree or their family. Gifts are used to purchase books, movies, new technology, programs, and other items that directly benefit the community.

The Town of Porter has been generous to the Youngstown Free Library, but we are still receiving less than they allocated to us 11 years ago! We will still have to rely heavily on community support - YOUR support. If you are able to help, please help. The Library is here to serve everyone in the community, but only if we are able to financially survive.

Your support at any level will help our tiny Library continue to serve its community. Thank you!