$ 2 AR$ 2,074 A$ 4 4 лв. R$ 13 £ 2 C$ 3 1,274 CFA Ch$ 2,015 ¥ 15 CO$ 8,650 15 kr. RD$ 123 ج.م 102 2 € L 51 HK$ 16 ₹ 172 Rp 32,508 ₪ 8 ¥ 316 KSh 259 ₩ 2,918 RM 10 MXN$ 42 NT$ 66 NZ$ 4 ₦ 3,095 23 kr B/. 2 ₨ 558 S/ 8 ₱ 118 9 zł 10 Lei 205 ₽ S$ 3 R 38 23 kr CHF 2 ₺ 71 8 د.إ 1,274 Fr
$ 5 AR$ 5,184 A$ 9 10 лв. R$ 31 £ 5 C$ 8 3,184 CFA Ch$ 5,038 ¥ 37 CO$ 21,625 37 kr. RD$ 307 ج.م 253 5 € L 128 HK$ 39 ₹ 430 Rp 81,270 ₪ 19 ¥ 791 KSh 648 ₩ 7,296 RM 23 MXN$ 103 NT$ 165 NZ$ 9 ₦ 7,737 57 kr B/. 5 ₨ 1,394 S/ 19 ₱ 293 21 zł 25 Lei 512 ₽ S$ 7 R 95 56 kr CHF 5 ₺ 177 19 د.إ 3,184 Fr
$ 10 AR$ 10,367 A$ 17 19 лв. R$ 61 £ 9 C$ 15 6,368 CFA Ch$ 10,077 ¥ 74 CO$ 43,249 73 kr. RD$ 614 ج.م 506 10 € L 255 HK$ 78 ₹ 860 Rp 162,539 ₪ 37 ¥ 1,581 KSh 1,295 ₩ 14,592 RM 46 MXN$ 206 NT$ 329 NZ$ 18 ₦ 15,474 114 kr B/. 10 ₨ 2,788 S/ 38 ₱ 586 42 zł 49 Lei 1,023 ₽ S$ 14 R 190 112 kr CHF 10 ₺ 354 37 د.إ 6,368 Fr
$ 20 AR$ 20,733 A$ 33 38 лв. R$ 121 £ 17 C$ 29 12,736 CFA Ch$ 20,153 ¥ 147 CO$ 86,498 145 kr. RD$ 1,228 ج.م 1,012 20 € L 509 HK$ 156 ₹ 1,719 Rp 325,077 ₪ 74 ¥ 3,163 KSh 2,590 ₩ 29,183 RM 91 MXN$ 411 NT$ 658 NZ$ 36 ₦ 30,948 228 kr B/. 20 ₨ 5,576 S/ 76 ₱ 1,172 83 zł 97 Lei 2,045 ₽ S$ 28 R 379 224 kr CHF 19 ₺ 708 74 د.إ 12,736 Fr
$ 30 AR$ 31,100 A$ 49 57 лв. R$ 182 £ 25 C$ 44 19,104 CFA Ch$ 30,230 ¥ 220 CO$ 129,747 218 kr. RD$ 1,842 ج.م 1,517 30 € L 764 HK$ 234 ₹ 2,578 Rp 487,615 ₪ 110 ¥ 4,744 KSh 3,885 ₩ 43,774 RM 136 MXN$ 616 NT$ 987 NZ$ 54 ₦ 46,422 342 kr B/. 30 ₨ 8,364 S/ 114 ₱ 1,758 125 zł 145 Lei 3,068 ₽ S$ 42 R 568 335 kr CHF 28 ₺ 1,062 111 د.إ 19,104 Fr
$ 50 AR$ 51,832 A$ 81 95 лв. R$ 302 £ 41 C$ 72 31,839 CFA Ch$ 50,383 ¥ 367 CO$ 216,244 363 kr. RD$ 3,070 ج.م 2,528 49 € L 1,273 HK$ 390 ₹ 4,296 Rp 812,691 ₪ 184 ¥ 7,907 KSh 6,475 ₩ 72,958 RM 226 MXN$ 1,026 NT$ 1,645 NZ$ 90 ₦ 77,370 570 kr B/. 50 ₨ 13,939 S/ 189 ₱ 2,929 207 zł 242 Lei 5,112 ₽ S$ 69 R 947 558 kr CHF 46 ₺ 1,770 184 د.إ 31,839 Fr
$ 100 AR$ 103,664 A$ 162 190 лв. R$ 604 £ 82 C$ 144 63,679 CFA Ch$ 100,766 ¥ 734 CO$ 432,488 725 kr. RD$ 6,140 ج.م 5,056 98 € L 2,545 HK$ 779 ₹ 8,592 Rp 1,625,382 ₪ 367 ¥ 15,815 KSh 12,950 ₩ 145,915 RM 451 MXN$ 2,051 NT$ 3,289 NZ$ 179 ₦ 154,740 1,140 kr B/. 100 ₨ 27,878 S/ 377 ₱ 5,858 414 zł 483 Lei 10,224 ₽ S$ 137 R 1,893 1,116 kr CHF 92 ₺ 3,539 368 د.إ 63,679 Fr
Donor Wall574
Carol Williams | $5.50
Carrie | $10.70
Thank You for the work you do.
Polly Culberson | $52.23
Carol | $5.50
Please prosecute the brainless idiot who abused the 20 year old horse. Abuse an animal go to jail! Keep up the excellent work!
Me | $10.70/M
Me | $10.70
JEROME Moses | $2.39
Claire Sanders | $10.70
Sue | $52.23
Treasa Perrier | $52.23
Keep doing what you are doing. We can never stop putting these horrible abusers away.
Anonymous | $10.70
Marcy | $21.08
Carole F. Porcelli | $10.70
Anonymous | $10.70
Gail Finch
I support your efforts because the silent one cannot speak for themselves, thank you!
Anonymous | $10.70
Thank you for stepping up for the voiceless. In numbers we can all make a difference.
Anonymous | $10.70
What happened to case about Zoe the German Shepherd, against Carl Pritchard?
Anonymous | $21.08
MIKE FARBOD | $52.23
Susan Bressler | $10.70
Maryann Smale | $21.08
Marie | $52.23
Thank you for your commitment to all the animals in finding justice for them.
Use This To CaptureThe Killers Of The Beagle On the Train Tracks.
Sondra | $21.08
Rhonda Myers | $10.70
Lynn Bromberg | $10.70
Janelle Babington | $2.39
Horrible People In this world. We must stop these people from hurting animals. Thank you for all you do.
Anonymous | $52.23
Would like to commend and thank you both for what you do!! The voiceless need your voices and you’re amazing! Thank you!!!