Aly's Monkey Movement

Aly’s Monkey Movement is a young girl's dream to change the world by raising money to

purchase stuffed animal monkeys to deliver to children all over the United States. These

children are experiencing something hard in their lives. Whether it be an illness, the loss of a

parent, or a house fire; Aly aims to provide a piece of comfort, or joy to the child in the midst of

their fear.

Aly’s Monkey Movement began in April 2019 and has since, been thriving on donations and

sponsors from all over the world who have come alongside of her during this movement. This

dream was driven by Aly’s own experience when she received a stuffed animal monkey from

her Nana while she was in the hospital and scared. That is when she received “Jack” her

monkey who has been her forever friend. There is something beautiful that occurs in a child’s

heart when they are gifted something that might bring them comfort and distract them from

the fear they’re feeling. Aly desires to grow that love amongst all of God’s children and spread

kindness all over the world.

Your donation changes the world, one monkey at a time. Thank you so much from all of us

here, at Aly’s Monkey Movement! <3 Aly, Kristy, Adam, Tyler, & Tenley

Donor Wall308

Stephanie Suzadail | $40

To quote the Wicked Witch from Wizard of Oz: “release the flying monkeys!” Happy Giving Tuesday, Aly and Family!

Corinna | $10

Sending donation for shipping a monkey. For a little girl Rosie that was diagnosed with Wilms Tumor Kidney Cancer.

Cindy Kotch | $30

Keep up the great work Aly!!

Nicole Brungard | $20

wayne smith

My son Ridley (4 years old) recieved his monkey when he broke his leg. His monkey Skittles has been a huge comfort to him. The nurse even wrapped and splinted the monkeys leg so he wouldn't feel alone. Thank you for starting this movement.

Sarah | $40

My daughter Sydney received a monkey before her bilateral hip surgery at 9 months old at Geisinger. We were so thankful and she adores her monkey! I work for Geisinger and have loved seeing all the positive feedback these monkeys are providing kids! My moms neighbor has two little girls who have given us some hand me down clothes and toys and in return I let them know we would be donating $ for monkeys with their names- Fiaorenza (Fia) and Silvana ( Silvie)

Amanda Orzolek | $20/M

Amanda Orzolek, Realtor with Century 21 Covered Bridges Realty, Inc. - I am beyond excited to be able to team up with Aly's Monkey Movement to donate one monkey a month to a child in need! This movement is changing lives by providing a light in tough times for little ones. You should be so proud of not only Aly but all of your children who I know contribute so much to Aly's cause. I'm happy to help you continue to spread kindness and change the world, one monkey at a time! <3

Elisa McKee | $20/M

Emilia | $350

From Emilia’s Painting With Purpose

Denise Esterline | $30

Crystal | $60

Tara Guillaume | $250

Adalynn, my daughter, just turned three last week. Every year for my kids' birthdays we choose a charity to raise money/ collect items for and this year we chose Aly's Monkey Movement! I not only love what you're doing, I love the example Aly is for little girls (and boys) like mine. I want my kids to grow up thinking of others and believing they can do big things- and Aly is a perfect example of that! If we are allowed to name our monkeys, please use these names: Kimber, Madelyn, Tripp, Hayden, Lizzie, Todd, Annabelle, June, Skye, Parker. Ideally we would have 5 monkeys stay local and 5 available to be shipped but trust your discretion to use the money for the greatest need. Thank you, Aly, for what you've created! ♡

Sheryl | $50

So glad to be a part of this magnificent movement. Our children are the most important part of our lives.

Sheri Quail | $30

Angela | $20

I just want to say Thank You and God Bless You! I am so happy I was able to get one of these special monkeys for my grandson! You all are amazing and a true blessing to all of us who are going through a rough time!

Danielle Sisler-walker | $20

From Snow Shoe EMS

Crystal Shrawder | $30

Thank you so much for all you do! You’re spreading smiles all over! :)

Sarah Masteller-Anderson | $10

I also just dod a monkey referral for Janie ♡

Kevin Bartell | $20

Shawn | $20

To help replace your stock after the Life Flight donation. Please name one “Honey” monkey in remembrance of Nurse Stephanie’s grandmother who coincidentally loved monkeys.

John Herdson | $50

Storage. Keep changing the world one monkey at a time. Drew’s crew.

Angela Brouse | $20/M


In memory of my husband's mother, and my own mother, we would like to sponsor 2 monkeys. One named Magical Marceline and one named Rockin' Roberta

Megan Phillips

I hope you continue to do great work.

Daniel Asiello | $75

Feel free to spend as you need. You have a very special gift of being able to bring smiles. A moment of happiness helps in all healing processes and you are helping many to feel happy and confident. Thank you for being you.

Lori | $20/M

LuAnn | $30/M

Terri Leonard | $20/M

This is such a wonderful thing! I am sure these monkey's bring so much joy, and happiness to the kids, when they receive them. Timber Rose Boutique is honored to be able to help you 😊

Melissa Doucette | $20

Paying it forward - the monkey delivery changed my girl's whole day!

Cyndi | $40

Abigail pavilion room 467 franklin Manley