ALSO Hearts Giving Program






Ways to give. - Your gift ensures that the individuals we support live independently in a home of their choice, find meaningful employment, develop lasting relationships, and experience full inclusion in their community. Your contributions go directly towards: Safe and affordable housing needs Creating a HOME for the people we support Assistive and adaptive technology Accessible transportation Children’s program development Solar power installations.

Donate Items For The New Children's HOME - The items on this list have been selected by ALSO Advocates to help meet the unique needs of the children we support. Creating not only a house but a HOME. You are heart work!.   Basketball hoop - Bean bag chairs - Arcade games - So much more. - Click here to view the Children's Home List

ALSO Wish List - Providing services and support to  over  250  adults,  children, and families, for 365 days each year,  requires  a  significant amount of  resources:  human resources,  housing  resources, food  resources,  equipment, and supplies. The items on  this list  help us  provide for  the  unique needs  of the  people we  support. Not  only ensuring much-needed clothing and personal supplies, but also recreational  products  that are  essential to  wellbeing - for entertainment, learning, and social connections. - Click here to view the ALSO Wish List

Fred Meyer Community Rewards - You can earn donations for the ALSO when you shop at Fred Meyer. Whenever you use your Rewards card, Fred Meyer will make a quarterly donation to us. Use code JX699 - This will not affect your fuel points or reward points with Fred Meyer - Click here to add ALSO to your Rewards Card

Matching Employer Gifts - Did you know that many companies offer a matching gift program to encourage philanthropy among their employees? By simply completing a matching gift form (online or paper) you may be able to double, or even triple, the impact of your gift!   Contact us at 503-489-6565 OR

Become a Recurring Monthly Donor Directly here. Click on Monthly or Quarterly Donor.  For questions contact us at 503-489-6565 OR - Thank you for your gift. EIN 93-1234625

Thank you for supporting ALSO, a 501(c)(3) non-profit. EIN# 93-1234625. Your donation is tax-deductible to the maximum amount allowed by law.