ISTAT Foundation Fuels Operation Airlift India






Matching Gift in Effect 

from the ISTAT Foundation 

as Lead Sponsor

of Operation Airlift India: 

Donate Here for a 1:1 Match.

Total Match Available $50,000!

Major and Corporate Gifts Also Welcome 

Via Wire Transfer(*See below)

To launch this campaign, the ISTAT Foundation is giving an additional $50,000 grant to Airlink for Operation Airlift India.

Update August 2021: URGENT Response underway for surges in countries located in South Asia (India and Cambodia) and Sub Saharan Africa (South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Uganda, Liberia and Zambia). Responding organizations and agencies are providing PPE, oxygen supplies, diagnostic tools, and hygiene and sanitation supplies. 

Airlink's Operation Airlift India has expanded its funding target from $300,000 as phase II of our response means more medical supplies in our pipeline.  That's PPE, testing, vaccination, and other health supplies such as oxygenators.

Please Give Generously.

About #AviationCARES Initiative

Your support will help Airlink provide a sustainable pipeline of airlift for relief organizations under the COVID-19 pandemic, 

Airlink launched a global impact fund in 2020 under the AviationCARES umbrella to raise at least USD$10M to underwrite transportation and logistics for a growing network of 20+ nonprofit relief organizations.  

Airlink's support of our nonprofit partners' relief efforts to quickly deliver emergency medical supplies to coronavirus hot spots worldwide includes communities recovering from other disasters, communities experiencing ongoing emergencies, people displaced by violence and economic crises, and those prone to seasonal emergencies (Atlantic Hurricane Season, Southeast Asia’s monsoon season, and floods stemming from global climate crisis).

Beyond COVID-19 needs, this funding will be used to fuel relief efforts to natural disasters and other events that occur in 2021 while COVID-19 remains a significant factor affecting response and recovery efforts.    

Your donations fuel our ability 

to transforms lives. Thank you.

*Want to make a corporate and individual gift via wire transfer and have it count toward the match? 

Contact Sandra Walter, Airlink Director of Development at or +1.202.550.7692 with details.

Note: Airlink does not generally accept gifts restricted to specific disasters. Funds raised in excess of need for a particular disaster will be used to support Airlink's mission and response to other disasters. Items listed under donation options represent general types of cargo moved by Airlink for this response, but does not mean to imply that a donor is directly responsible for underwriting the particular type or amount of cargo mentioned as that varies by shipment and response.  

Airlink is approved by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law. Airlink's Federal Identification Number (EIN) is 37-1710848.

Donor Wall 1

Kenneth Gazzola | $5,176.29