Donate for General Fund

Donations to the Al-Huda Islamic Center general fund will go towards running essential community services and various programming and organizational expenses. These include: 

  • Masjid Utilities and Maintenance  (Electricity, Gas, Water, Phone, Insurance, Security, Snow Removal, Mowing, Trash, Septic, HVAC, etc).

We are a charitable organization, EIN 82-3644956. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution.

Donor Wall 8

Nadra Mahmoud

Please pray for Nadra & Mahmoud, may Allah have mercy on them and grant them paradise

Anonymous | $250

23rd Night Ramadan Ameen Cornell

Turki Baroud | $166.89

This for the Sunday school lunch

Liz and Jeff Morgan | $2,500

Nasiri Family

Anonymous | $518.59

For family of Rahman Nasiri. They are in our thoughts.

Lou Vogel | $104.12

Please provide to Nasiri Family in their time of need.

Anonymous | $90

Many thanks for opening up your beautiful worship and celebration space to us in honor of Ramadan. We have learned so much from you and wish for your congregation Salaam for now and always. -- Mihal Ronen & Bruce McKee p.s. This is meant as a donation to your general fund for whatever purpose you choose.

Ryan Cipta Julianda

Bismillah, Let there be masjid in this community where Islam could spread light and becoming a productive community here at Ithaca. InshaAllah, the masjid will be build and Islam could grow and become a great community at Ithaca.