
The vision of Awakening Horn for Inclusive Rural Development (AHIRD Tanzania) is to see women, girls and children who are in poverty, empowered, economically self-reliant, socially powerful and live a decent life with dignity respect.

AHIRD  focuses on improving the livelihood of women, young girls and children living in poverty through the following objectives:
1. Providing access to education, practical skills training and health care services.
2. Protection and promotion of women and children’s Human rights, gender equality and social and economic empowerment. 
3. Contributing to good parenting and healthy family life, and promoting family-based alternative care of orphans and vulnerable children.
4. Empower the community to be better able to address consequences of HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, and issues of poverty.

This is ourCANADIAN Donation Site.


please click [USA DONATE] 

AHIRD Tanzania is a

COMPASIO CANADA Program Partner.