AFIRE (Active Faith Implementing Relief in the Epidemic)


Graced Collaboration

Building a Bridge Between Faith & Science in Addiction Recovery

Addiction recovery is often limited to either a bodily approach or a spiritual one. Our unique Catholic program bridges this divide with evidence-based, proven practices from both faith and science: Graced Collaboration. It's an integrated program that builds a bridge between faith and science in addiction recovery, and it is built upon Saint Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises.

The Spiritual Exercises provide a methodology that is similar to Motivational Interviewing, a counseling technique used to guide individuals through the Stages of Change. The Spiritual Exercises also contain tools that are scientifically shown to be effective for addiction recovery and relapse prevention. Read more about AFIRE founder Dr. Nina Marie Corona's research at: www.

We’ve done years of research, but now we need your help to make this important and unique addiction recovery and relapse prevention program a reality. Our dream is that parishes and other Catholic organizations worldwide may be able to offer this evidence-based Catholic program to those who are seeking help to break the cycle of addictions, and/or for those who would like to maintain their recovery.

Thank you for your support. This will be completely impossible without you! Every donation counts. God bless you.

AFIRE, Inc. is a Non-Profit Public Charity, officially approved by the Internal Revenue Service under US Tax Code Section 501(c)(3). It is through your donations that this ministry exists at all, and your donations are tax-deductible.