Adopt A Chimp
Your contribution through virtual adoption goes directly to help feed, house and care for the chimpanzees at LCRP's sanctuary in West Africa! Thank for your support and generosity!
In order to maintain our "go green" policy, adoption images, profiles and certificates are sent via email. If this is a gift for someone, please ensure his/her name is included in the comment section!
Donor Wall 954
John Marriott | $50
Such amazing work you do. Inspiring. Birthday present for Mike Newell as we are locked down in UK.
Caitlin | $50
What amazing people you are and what a phenomenal job you do.
Coral | $50
Johnny's donation is in memory of Charlie from Monkey World in Dorset, England
Jo Brown | $50
Absolutely amazing work. Thank you for giving this wonderful life for these chimp babies.
Claire | $50
Thank you for all you do for the chimpanzees and other animals. You are true heroes!
Cameron | $50
We were so touched by the stories of all the chimps and the amazing work being done by Jenny & Jim, we just had to show our support. Would love to see this amazing project one day.
Thank you for giving these chimps a loving home when their whole world was taken from them.
Donated by my daughter Nell from her pocket money savings after watching the BBC programmes
Pearl Bailey | $50
Tracey | $50
You are doing such an amazing job rescuing and rehabilitating the chimps. A joy to see. Hope our donation helps.
This adoption is for our granddaughter Rachael for her 12th birthday. She says she has everything she needs and wants to help save these beautiful animals. She loves Joseph’s little face and would love to hold and cuddle him. We hope her donation provides him with a happy and healthy life.
Jo Brown | $50
your work is great. the next step must be educate the children on Liberian schools for a change in attitude
Amy | $50
Sophie Haymes | $50
Thank you for everything you do! I’m adopting Gloria as a Mother’s Day gift for my mum who loves you guys!
For my pupils who have learnt so much from the documentary.
Kristi | $50
Sean Morris
We loved your 3 part program on the BBC and look forward to your progress with the new sanctuary. Best wishes and good luck!
Thank you for all that you do for the Chimps
Hugh | $50
This is a superb charity giving excellent care to these chimps.
Michelle Morneau | $50
I saw Poppy on your video and fell in love with her! Her absolutely beautiful smile is contagious and a gift! As are you and all you are doing for these magnificant Beings. Thank you!
Were adopting Max as a mothers day gift for the best mother in the world. We're lucky to have her and truly do appreciate her. Happy mothers day to Max and all his carers, what you're all doing is truly amazing.
Julie Smith | $50
The adoption of Johnny is a birthday gift for my friend Julie. We both watched the wonderful documentary about your sanctuary and decided instead of buying birthday presents for each other , we’d adopt chimps instead ❤️
Howard | $50
I saw you on Baby Chimp Rescue and wanted to support the amazing work you all do!
Julie Ashton
Kerry loved your TV documentary & talked about it every time we saw her. After watching your story ourselves knew that adopting one of your wonderful chimps & supporting your fantastic work would make a wonderful birthday present for Kerry. Happy 50th Birthday Kerry X
This is a gift for my girlfriend who is turning 25. We were both captivated by the amazing work you all do in Liberia, representing the best of humans and nature.
Lian Trowers | $50
Amazing work guys! This donation is a birthday gift for my husband who, like me, was deeply moved by the recent documentary on the BBC.
Anonymous | $50
Thank you so much for the work you do x
Anonymous | $50
I am 11 years old and I have watched your programs and fell in love with them. I hope you can build your sanctuary and one day I want to help chimps and teach them just like you do. Thank you so much for looking after the chimps. Isobel Galloway UK