Adopt A Chimp
Your contribution through virtual adoption goes directly to help feed, house and care for the chimpanzees at LCRP's sanctuary in West Africa! Thank for your support and generosity!
In order to maintain our "go green" policy, adoption images, profiles and certificates are sent via email. If this is a gift for someone, please ensure his/her name is included in the comment section!
Donor Wall 954
Sandra | $50
Tony Nicholas | $50
Jean's birthday present - hope it helps your great work
Louise | $50/M
We have a kind and generous 13 year old called Johnny - we couldnt resist him ❣️
Lynne | $50
What fantastic work you are doing. The chimps are so lucky to have you fight their corner. Thank you for the difference you are making to their lives.
Saw the great work you are doing on the BBC, helping the poor orphaned chimps but also giving the wonderful caregivers a second chance to have a positive impact. Donation is on behalf of my partner Steve, who loves monkeys so much he finds the program too hard to watch. Hopefully this will will our little bit to help.
Anonymous | $50
Watched your TV programme, what wonderful people you are to do what you do
Clare Bird | $50
I am so inspired by the work you do, you are amazing!
Kellyann | $50/M
Bonita | $50
I am so inspired by your unwavering care for these amazing animals,
Sima | $50
Charlie | $50
You’ve restored my faith in humanity! Thank you for all that you have and undoubtedly will go on to achieve. You are truly incredible people!
Kerry Hughes | $50
Rob Drumgold | $50
We have just watched the documentary and our whole family has fallen in love with the Chimps they are amazing!! But not as amazing as all you guys who have dedicated their lives to looking after them. Fantastic work well done and keep up the work xx
Claire & Blayne | $50
We have just spent a wonderful hour of full entertainment. We laughed so much but knowing the sad reason they are with you all. Such amazing people you all are.
Just seen you’re amazing sanctuary on tv. Wanted to support the great work you’re doing. N
Susan Sanders | $50
Good job guys! Thankful that there are people like you in this world 💜 Susan & Sean
Tim | $50
Keep up the good work, the World needs more people like you.
We hope that all of the chimps will be happy and healthy in their new forest home.
Paula | $50
Absolutely amazing what you have and are doing. An inspiration to us all. I wish i was there with you!!
Gemma Holmes | $50
Brilliant work guys! Your hard work and dedication is amazing! ❤️
Wendi Williams | $50
Naseem | $50
Saw him in the documentary on BBC and he is adorable!
Karen Howard | $50
Anonymous | $50
You are truly incredible people, and you have made the most incredible difference. You are all aspirational, kind and generous. Thank you for doing all the work you have already done and for fighting and educating for the future of the chimpanzees.
We have watched the BBC programme in amazement and awe of the dedication you guys have for the chimps. We have laughed and cried at all the special moments and love and appreciate the work you do. Thank you. – Kieran & Berni
Gail Stephen | $50
Amazing charity. You are providing a wonderful loving sanctuary for the chimps
Jo | $50
Victoria Jones | $50
Kurt | $50
Watching the BBC documentary on your amazing work. The chimpanzees are so lucky to have you. Thank you for doing what you are doing.
Joanna | $50
Such a wonderful charity may you go from strength to strength.