Adopt A Chimp
Your contribution through virtual adoption goes directly to help feed, house and care for the chimpanzees at LCRP's sanctuary in West Africa! Thank for your support and generosity!
In order to maintain our "go green" policy, adoption images, profiles and certificates are sent via email. If this is a gift for someone, please ensure his/her name is included in the comment section!
Donor Wall 954
Heather Busby | $50
Thank you so much for everything that you do for these beautiful babies, you are truly amazing wonderful kind human beings xx
Your commitment and concern for these amazing mammals is amazing. Thank you.
Jonathan | $50
Amazing people caring for fabulous animals
Catherine | $50
Thanks for saving chance
Karen | $50
The BBC programme is inspiring and devastating in equal measure. You are all doing an amazing job taking care of these traumatised creatures. You have touched my heart with your generosity x
cecile | $50
Alan | $50
Having worked in animal rescue for 40 years in the uk, I was still reduced to tears, watching the BBC tv series,what wonderful work you are doing, let hope you get your sanctuary.
Rebecca | $50
Heard about you through the BBC series. Keep up the amazing work!
Colin Russell | $50
Amazing work and dedication from the entire team
Anonymous | $50
Fantastic program so well done.x
Zena | $50
You’re doing an amazing thing, hope you can keep up the great work.
Helen Finch | $50
D. D. Construction | $50/M
With the small changes, we can make big changes. X
I too have loved animals since a little girl, it breaks my heart when humans harm them without thinking or caring. Your programme is an inspiration. An amazing group of people doing fantastic work for animals you are an inspiration I only wish I could donate more or win the lottery and give you millions to help open your sanctuary! A little helps I know so I’m donating what I can , love All the chimps! Love and good help to you all And the Chimps! ❤️
Polly Wellby
From Poppy for Poppy
Jim | $50
Amazing work and dedication!!
Martin | $50
Your work at the sanctuary is amazing, we have felt every emotion possible whilst following the development’s at the sanctuary Much love to you all Thank you for the dedication shown towards these beautiful creatures
Niamh | $50
Suzzanne Horton | $50
I have loved watching your wonderful program. You're all so amazing the hard work you're doing for these beautiful animals. I would love to know how you do with the new building of the new sanctuary. BBC 2 What a fabulous Documentary. Sue xx
Michelle | $50
So taken by your commitment to helping the chimps and the tireless work you are doing, and Max is such a special little chimp
Vicki Oakes | $50
You all do such a wonderful job looking after all the chimpanzees.
Ellie Webb | $50
Vanessa Patker | $50
I have loved watching your programme tonight. My heart melted watching the chimps develop and grow. I lost my dad 2 years ago his name was Jack. When I clicked onto your website the first chimp I saw was Jack. How ironic, I must donate and watch him grow. Keep doing what you are doing and I would love to find how your new sanctuary is coming on
Isobel and Sheila | $50
We are truly inspired by the work you are all doing, the love and care you provide these amazing animals. It is wonderful to see your joy and that of the chimps as they grow and recover. We have laughed and cried with you. We hope you succeed in building the sanctuary
Caitlin Sinclair | $50
Marian | $50
Thank you so much for the work you are doing. It’s very inspiring and touching. I wish you all the best in your endeavours for the chimps. They are such characters and so deserving of your and our love and care.
Live well Johnny
Kathy | $50
Thank you , thank you you’re all awesome and completely selfless dedicating your lives to help these most amazing animals .
Helen | $50
Thank you for having the skills to look after these beautiful creatures ❤