Adopt A Chimp
Your contribution through virtual adoption goes directly to help feed, house and care for the chimpanzees at LCRP's sanctuary in West Africa! Thank for your support and generosity!
In order to maintain our "go green" policy, adoption images, profiles and certificates are sent via email. If this is a gift for someone, please ensure his/her name is included in the comment section!
Donor Wall953
Will aim to adopt them all over time when my eco store takes off . Love what you are doing - thank you
sharyn rose | $50
Lucy is amazing...I would also love to adopt sweet Georgia and donate in her honor and courage...
Lynn | $50
Grateful I am able to adopt Max for another year and that you are out there rescuing, rehabilitating and protecting our cousins 💚 Thank you x
Adoption for my sister Sylvia Lemarcq
Andreas | $50/M
Thank you very much for your dedication to help our relatives
Elyse | $50
Bless you for your wonderful work in saving these baby chimps. I saw your documentary on CNN and was very touched by your dedication. Thank you!
Judy Chan
Daniel | $50
Deborah | $50
Valentina Bohn | $50
Elaine Wall | $50
Thank you for your work LCRP team!! Love from Germany
Lance | $50
Keep up the great work and tell all the little ones hello for me. Hope to see them again soon.
Pieter van den Brink | $50
Ramanan | $50/M
Venema tandartsen | $50
Fawn Caldwell | $50
To my dearest Ani ❤️ To aid the life of another on the day of your birth
Sue | $50
You are doing amazing work! I'll never forget holding orphaned chimps 30yrs ago when going down the Congo and seeing them in bird-cages at the market. Heartbreaking.
Francesca de Chatel | $50
This one is for my goddaughter Malaika! :-)
Francesca de Chatel | $50
Thank you Jimmy and Jenny for your AMAZING work!! I am adopting a chimp for each of my godchildren this Christmas. I so hope you raise the money for your new sanctuary this year and that you can move soon!
Robyn Wood | $50