Adopt A Chimp
Your contribution through virtual adoption goes directly to help feed, house and care for the chimpanzees at LCRP's sanctuary in West Africa! Thank for your support and generosity!
In order to maintain our "go green" policy, adoption images, profiles and certificates are sent via email. If this is a gift for someone, please ensure his/her name is included in the comment section!
Donor Wall 954
Agnès NOVELLA | $50
I have so much admiration for your work, wish I could be present to hold one of those little ones and give her/him love and care, they are so beautiful, perfect, and precious in so many ways. They deserve respect and love.
Thank you for the brilliant work you do and spreading love and happiness in the world.
Pamela | $50
What a wonderful thing you’re doing! Baby Chimp rescue was such a beautiful program, very inspiring!
Joanne Humphreys | $50
Good luck and god bless as you move forward with your life sweet Ella x
Tosin | $50
Truly touched by everything you do here, I have never been so moved by a programme, here’s hoping these beautiful chimps get their brand new sanctuary!
iwona | $50
India | $50
The world needs more people like you.
So moved by watching the BBC documentary. Adopting Pajoe as part of my birthday present. I have always loved apes so wanted to support this amazing sanctuary and the protection of these precious creatures.
SA & Nina Ibrahim
Christine Ritenour | $50
Myriam | $50
Willa | $50
Love the good work you are doing!
Brad | $50
Happy New Year to to all the lovely chimps and their selfless caregivers.
Alice Todd | $50
The Browns | $50
We love the cute chimps - they made us laugh so much, especially JoJo wearing Jimmy's hat!
ihor | $50
Monique | $50
Lorelei Base | $50
Holly | $50
Holly | $50
Holly | $50
Diane | $50
Am vert happy to help give a good life and care for Gola and all the chimp your wonderful association help to recover after abusive treatments and major trauma. I will continue helping as much as I can and do support your work. Wishing you all a merry christmas and hoping for a better future for all the chimps I'm the world and beyond that all living animals. Diane
Laurie Graham | $50
Hoping 2021 is ALL that you're hoping for and MORE!! Thankyou for saving and touching these little lives!
Barbara Hopwood | $50
I wanted to support your great project
Anonymous | $50
Thank you for all your hard work you do.
Janette Danelius | $50
you are great people, I bow to your work with warm greetings from Germany
Anonymous | $50
Lucy Francome | $50
My name is also Lucy so I felt drawn to her. I am donating money I earned and am so happy it will help look after her.