Donate to Support AACS!

What can your impact do?

$5-     Gardening supplies for our community Garden!

$25-   Buys the flowers for 1 Ikebana Class

$50-   Fills our HAY classroom with new books!

$100- Allows us to provide services from our Family Support Program!

$250- Helps us provide services at the AHI Free Clinic!

Frequently Asked Questions:

What will my donation support?

Asian American Community Services (AACS) provides a multitude of supportive services, including: youth programming, senior case management, supportive services for victims of crime, health screenings, a free health clinic, civic engagement, community classes, and more! We will prudently utilize your donation to ensure the viability of the organization and our programs. However, you also have the option to designate a department or program as the recipient of your gift.

Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, AACS is a publicly supported organization as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and our Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN) is #31-0898833. To claim a donation as a deduction on your US taxes, please retain your email receipt as your official record.

Is my donation secure?
Yes. The security and confidentiality of your information is a top priority. We process your donation through 
Donorbox to protect your credit card information.

Do you trade or sell contact lists?

How else can I make a gift to Asian American Community Services?
AACS accepts donations by way of check, credit card, and gift card donations. To discuss donation or sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at 

Mail may be sent to:
Asian American Community Services

4700 Reed Road, Suite B

Columbus, Ohio 43220

How else can I support Asian American Community Services?

How can I donate material goods?

You can donate items at our offices, 4700 Reed Road, Suite B, Columbus, Ohio 43220. You can also purchase items from our Amazon Wishlist--items will be directly delivered to us!

We are always looking for donations of groceries, toiletries and feminine hygiene products, school-aged books, school-aged clothing and shoes, new socks and underwear, general bathroom items (toilet paper, paper towels, soap), general office and school supplies (paper, arts items, pencils), and general kitchen items (plates, napkins, utensils, paper towels).

We are also currently seeking the following office items: desks, desk chairs, classroom chairs, and gently used laptops and smartphones.

How can I make AACS a part of my legacy?

Consider making a planned gift that allows you to combine your charitable giving goals with your estate and financial planning goals. You can designate Asian American Community Services the beneficiary of your retirement assets--such as your IRA, 401(k), 403(b) and other qualified retirement plans--and your life insurance. Donating securities and privately held stock may reduce your capital gains taxes on appreciated property. You can also describe your wish for a charitable gift in your will, setting aside a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate or assets. Contact your financial advisor or a representative at the Columbus Foundation for more information. 


Asian American Community Services (AACS) is a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 31-0898833. All donations are tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.

Donor Wall 17

Caroline | $5.52/M

Luna | $47.16

Luna Z | $47.26

Luna z | $47.16

Eugene Kim | $100/M

Donating in the name of Asian Student Union in Andrews Osborne Academy.

Eugene Kim | $100/M

Donating ins the name of Asian Student Union in Andrews Osborne Academy, Willoughby, Ohio.

Sparsh Malhotra | $100/M

Donating in the name of Asian Student Union at Andrews Osborne Academy, Willoughby, Ohio

Linh Debout | $26.41

Anonymous | $25

Pi Delta Psi Fraternity at The Ohio State University | $268

Pi Delta Psi At OSU | $104.15

From Pi Delta Psi at OSU - THANK YOU HEALTHY ASIAN YOUTH AND AACS. We are so thankful for what you do. We wish you a Happy Lunar New Year! 🧧

Gang Li | $45

my tuition fee of english lesson,thanks,Gang Li

Pi Delta Psi Fraternity, Inc. at OSU | $241

From Pi Delta Psi Fraternity at OSU, This donation is the money we raised during our philanthropy fundraiser event last week, "Pi a Pie/Kake a Kappa". During this event our members took donations in exchange for pies to the face to support Healthy Asian Youth and AACS. We hope this is able to help you out in any way possible. Thank you for what you do for this community!

Betsy Poling | $10.70/M

Thank you for your important work. This donation is in honor of our Asian sisters who were murdered in ATL. Peace, blessings and prayers for safety. Xiaojie Tan, Daoyou Feng, Delaina Yaun, Yong Ar Yue, Soon Chung Park, Suncha Kim , Hyun Jung Grant

Katrina Bong | $52.23

Elizabeth | $52.23

Debra McGuire