The Coastline Runner

The Coastline Runner is an initiative started by Luke Douglas-Home CEnv, founder of A Future Without Rubbish CIC and a Chartered Environmentalist.

It started as a lone man’s mission to overcome frustrations over the lack of efficacy and impact of COP 26 and has turned into a growing initiative with immediate results in reducing plastic pollution in our seas. Luke aims to run and swim as much of the coastline as possible within the years of the UN’s ‘Decade of Ocean Science’, collecting shoreline plastic.

Luke started running on the 1st of November 2021 and has been running in stretches of around 20 to 30 Km per run, and collecting plastic waste in his reusable One Bag Zero Waste (bag made of recyclable plastic).

In every run, local residents are encouraged to come along and support him. Attendees can also take part in a ‘2-minute rubbish clean’ and they will be given a ‘One Bag Zero Waste’ bag to become involved in the Coastline Runner initiative for the future.

So far Luke has run well over 650 Km, from Lowestoft to Northumberland, in Folkestone and London canals.

He has collected over 650 Kg of plastic during his run, preventing it from going to our seas and polluting our environment.

“Shoreline plastic is rubbish destined to enter our seas, harming wildlife and irreversibly entering the food chain. There must be systemic change to prevent millions of tonnes from entering the seas every year. Even if you don’t care about other animals in our environment, care about yourself – we ingest the equivalent of one credit card of plastic every week, for goodness sake!” - Luke Douglas-Home

This year, he aims to complete Lowestoft to Leith, but he is breaking this sequential journey by running in Folkestone on World Oceans Day, in Texas in June and running the World Plogging Championships in Italy. Please donate and follow his journey on Instagram @TheCoastlineRunner

Donor Wall1

Jane Home | £100

What you’re doing is wonderful, much love, Janey H