Support Dustin Nemos

My family thanks you for this support. With it, you reinforce our mission, ministry, and message.

Thank you.  

If it is not a burden and you value my work, please contribute. I've lost much and have little left. But together, we fight on.

This goes to Support the Nemos News Network public awareness and media work.

Donor Wall457


Honored to donate to you thx.

Randy | $100

Dustin, thank you for all your deep research and courage to help the masses understand the true evil agenda of the Synagogue of Satan.

Anthony Belarski | $50

Love you bro

Anonymous | $10

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

Jon | $200

Keep speaking Truth, and those who seek it will find one another. Our common foundation is Yeshua Ha Mashiach. Thank you from those few, who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Brett Spellman | $65

David H | $15/M


Hello there, I'm very impressed with this website, thank you. I live on a UK state pension so unfortunately can't commit to monthly payments (not all of those over 70 are dumbed down & drooling in an armchair!) It's getting harder for truth tellers to be heard so I'll share your work when & where I can Dustin, you're simply amazing, thanks again. Sending love your way.


Forrest Shear’Ree | $36


Yahweh bless you!

Anthony Belarski | $23

Love you bro

Jeff | $125

Thank you for all that you are doing for the Kingdom and for those of us who read your work.

Margaret O'Connor | $50

God bless and keep you, Dustin. Thank you for your energetic pursuit of God's truth, and for helping us to understand His word.

Anonymous | $500

The worker deserves his wages


I am learning too much from you for free.

STORMY | $20

When you speak my soul hears.

Scott Capron | $100

I love you brother, a gift for your family, including the one on the way.

MsRhuby Star-Diamond | $50/M

Hey! It's MsRhuby! God bless You!

Tony Belarski | $140

Love you bro

Tyler Schellenberg | $10

Thank you for taking the risk and doing all this research , i wish i can send more but i will when i can , from your friend Tyler in Canada .

Anthony Belarski | $43

Love you bro

Anonymous | $10

good work Dustin

Anonymous | $107

Thank you Dustin for your wonderful work teaching Yahweh's truth to hungry intellect's.

Brett | $60

merritt johnson | $10

Do know about Chris White? He was influential to me when my Jesus research began, in 2010, after 30 plus years trying to be a yogi....ha,ha.


Thank you for your WISDOM & BRAVERY!


You are one of my favorite speakers. Thank you so much!!!

Jack Q | $100

MsRhuby Star-Diamond | $100

God bless your ministry!