Support Dustin Nemos
My family thanks you for this support. With it, you reinforce our mission, ministry, and message.
Thank you.
If it is not a burden and you value my work, please contribute. I've lost much and have little left. But together, we fight on.
Donor Wall 469
Jon | $25/M
Thank you for your bold service to the truth! My wife and I left our christian/zionist fellowship back in 2009. Ever since YAHUAH has used authors like Eustace Mullins to help open my eyes to the truth about scripture and now biblical earth with you. I’ve been naming the jew since 2011 and paid a price for it as well, so I know full well what you’re facing my friend. May YAH bless you and yours in rhe mighty name of Yahusha.
Tony Belarski | $200
Love you bro
Tony Belarski | $100
I appreciate the pursuit of truth so thank you Dustin!
Christopher | $100
Fredrick | $400
It’s not just you against the world. I know what you are saying is the truth and I pray I could have a half the courage you have. Please never stop fighting.
Allan Dahma | $50
I just want to say thank you for uncensored church and standing on the word of YHWH and Yahusha Jesus Christ 🙏🙏🙏
Tony Belarski | $150
Love you bro
Ken | $150
Thank you for all your effort and sacrifice to keep us informed. May God bless you more. Brother Ken and Dori
Patrick Parent
Tony Belarski | $50
Love you bro
Thanks for your work and perseverance. Gal. 6:9, Eph 5:11 exposing the deeds of darkness.
Deneice | $200
Mahalo Dustin! Thanks, gratitude, admiration, esteem, praise, regards, respect to you and your work! In Yesuah's name, Paise YHWH!
Aaron Steely | $300
Dustin, all your work is amazing and refreshing. YHWH has given you such knowledge and you're also great at finding other servants of Ya and gathering their information. Thanks again! Also your music is amazing, hopefully this helps towards another rap album lol Suddenlies (rap v.) is one of your best, as well as Patriots in Control. Those sounds are really well done!
Tony Belarski | $45
Love you bro
Gabriel Magana | $10/M
Love your content Brother. I’ll be donating more . YAWEH keep you for suck a time as this !
Rene Belarski | $75
We Love you, Family IN Christ🙏 Holy Spirit Dome of protection over your Land & FAM. ❤️ Ney nay $ Tonyb
Tony Belarski | $150
Love you bro
Tony Belarski | $45
Love you bro
Michael | $10
Thank You -
Geo in VA | $20
Wishing you and family a Merry Christmas
Tony Belarski | $45
Love you bro
It makes more sense now. Watched my first video and am thankful for all the work you put into it. Im excited to learn more. May YHWH always guide and protect you and yours.
Yahweh bless you brother. An honor to help your mission. In Yeshua's name amen.
Tony Belarski | $25
Love you bro
Karen | $50
Thank you Dustin for your amazing compilation of most important information and puzzle pieces. It's truly priceless.
Dwight n Tracey Barton | $100
Thank you so much for your work Dustin you have opened our eyes to so much, God Bless you and your family.