CounterSocial Life-Support






CounterSocial is five years old and we are approaching 160,000 users. We have created a social media platform that counters trolls, bots, and nefarious or fake accounts and fake news to give people a great experience enjoying all the benefits of a casual, happy way to be social online without harassment. All with baked-in privacy, identity breach alerts, LIVE streaming TV, before-its-news incident alerts, secure file-sharing, NO ADS and more!

This has been achieved primarily with the money, time and expertise of ONE person, for over five years single-handedly. Our new optional subscription Pro accounts service is picking up, but subscriptions at this point are not nearly enough to offset the costs.

Creating and maintaining a social media platform and network isn’t easy and it isn’t cheap. Moral support is great, but the cost of supporting COSO – the cost of servers, bandwidth, disk space, security, backups, development and marketing– isn’t currently met by the subscriptions. Over time we hope pro account subscriptions will make CoSo self-sustaining, but until then we truly could use some financial support.

We set up this campaign to ensure and secure another 5 years breathing space to develop new features, finally invest in some actual marketing, maintain what we've already built and grow our Pro accounts base to a self-sustaining level.

I've steered away from increasing Pro account subscription costs while all the time adding new features, veered away from monetizing via adding sponsored content or ads, and swerved away from traditional VC investments, to keep our platform as grassroots and uncorruptable as possible - and it's taken a lot of pride-swallowing to put out this call for crowd-sourced help.

With a little generosity and luck this should be the only time we ask for help.

We are building a revolution in responsible social media. Come on in. Congregate. Create. Collaborate. Contribute. Together, we’ve got this.

You can verify this is a legitimate CounterSocial fundraising initiative by visiting:



Donor Wall1276

Eva-Marie Leahey | $100

Anonymous | $42.69

Party snek 🐍🎉

M | $100

#MovieNight auction with gratitude and some extra cheddar for popcorn <3

pendrag | $250

Lost #MoveNight #CoSoAuction but CoSo still wins.

Anonymous | $50

Wish I could do more! Thank you for the auction fun! ☕️&🧂

Kel | $107.07

In honor of all of us, under the same moon. #MovieNighta

Anonymous | $40

Derp. Math is not my strong suit. Adding 20 to total original bid to make it $80 and $20 more because why not? (Altamaha)

Anonymous | $60

Keep the lights. Playing all sides for the movie night auction because we all won no matter what ❤️

marianne obrien | $100

love CoSo - thank you Jester

Anonymous | $10

It's weird to say Happy Birthday when we get the gift of Coso all year long , but Happy Birthday CoSo.

Graham | $100

Happy Anniversary. So glad I am here for it.

Anonymous | $49

7x7. Happy Birthday!

Lindan Johnson | $7

Happy 7th Anniversary, Counter. Social xoxo Queen of Everything

Scott Hull

Happy birthday with many happy returns of the day. 🏴‍☠️ o7 🏴‍☠️ Sincerely, - M

ShowDem Kitties | $100

Happy 7th birthday, CoSo! Thank you, Jester for creating and keeping this sane speck on the internet


Happy 7th birthday CoSo!!! Keep going strong :)

Mike | $7

Happy Anniversary, CoSo!!!!!!!

Angela | $20

Happy birthday CoSoverse! Thank you Jester!

Anonymous | $100

Happy 7th anniversary CoSo! I wish I could do more. Nanawithsoul

Ann Coleman | $1,000

Anonymous | $10

Happy 7th birthday, CoSo! Wishing you many, many more!

Anonymous | $100

Knitpurrl: Happy B-Day CoSo… this is for the ability to post food & dinner pics 🤣🥰🤣

Sand Hill Thicket | $20

Happy Birthday, CoSo!

Anonymous | $7

Anonymous | $50

Sea Anemone | $100

Happy 7th! Thank you Jester for creating this community and joining us for the fun.

DANA | $50

Melissa | $100

Money well spent.

Al Tucker | $50


Happy Birthday CoSo